The yielder and the flesh

2023-10-06 07:00:46

(c) Distaste

Standing still is overrated, and so people speak up you distanced furiously back to album length. The local grind institution is not in the mood for scheme F and wants to leave any expectations behind. What’s more, instead of puristic grindcore, death metal sounds from the old HM2 school are increasingly finding their way in, paired with punk spirit and subtly thrashed blackened power. Like “Deibel” follows last “The Bearer and the Flesh” a loose conceptual thread and explores his own blast possibilities as he passes by.

At the beginning everything seems to be the same with the short, oppressive trio “Decay Process”, “Narrenkappe” and “Aequivalent Scheisse” – three brutally pounding grind to death grind numbers, excellently produced, with high tempo and precise malice. Only “Geiferloch” dares to go to the rancid old school, sprinkles in rotten guitars, repeatedly brings in grueling things, while chaos reigns all around. A track like “Theresa” with its occasionally slow pace and melodic, almost fanfare-like approaches in the main part is definitely out of the ordinary and yet fits perfectly on this record – hypnotizing, almost catchy, yet brutal and aggressive.

Another highlight is “Suffering and His Poison,” which even approaches the six-minute mark and experiments with brooding death-doom. Asphyx greet you when ponderous pressure waves pass through your bones and bones. There has to be a little explosion in between before it becomes tough and grueling once more – what a board. The way the final “The Cold Hatchet” plays with speed and instrumentation is equally inspiring. Distaste fuel themselves to the point of disintegration through martial madness. “Der Ertraeger” even features subtle melodic approaches, embedded in high-speed hussar rides. That also puts you in a good mood.

Distaste say regarding this album that they have found their sound, and that cannot be ignored. They don’t turn their backs on their grind roots, but at the same time they venture further into other extremes. “Der Ertraeger und das Fleisch” gets the increased death metal component very well, shows musical class, and even produces one or two smaller catchy tunes. With their best, most complex album to date, Distaste hit the jackpot and presented one of the big metal highlights of the year.

Rating: 9/10

Available from: October 6th, 2023
Available via: FDA Records (Soulfood Music)


Slider-Pic (c) Distaste

Tags: death metal, deathgrind, the yielder and the flesh, distaste, featured, full-image, grindcore, local band, review

Category: Local Bands, Magazin, Reviews

#yielder #flesh



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