The Xunta promotes cultural literacy through classical music with the Bal y Gay Festival

Foz (Lugo), June 15, 2024

The Director General of Culture, Anxo M. Lorenzo, highlighted the cultural literacy that the Bal y Gay Festival does through classical music, an event with which the Xunta de Galicia collaborates. Precisely, the representative of the Ministry of Culture, Language and Youth will attend this evening the concert of the pianist Martín García García in the Basilica of San Martiño, one of the ten heritage sites of the Marina Lucense that have been hosting this event since August 8.

The representative of the Ministry of Culture, Language and Youth, highlighted the commitment of the Galician Government to this festival, which has a wide programme and which this year has already been held for eleven years. In this regard, he stressed the promotion of access and participation of citizens in culture, “seeking a diverse and quality cultural offer”, one of the objectives proposed by the regional Administration. In this regard, it is necessary to remember that this event is part of the campaign CulturONwith which the Galician Government offers more than 30 daily cultural proposals in more than 200 municipalities this summer.

Internationally renowned artists

As for the artists who are already taking part in this event, the Director General of Culture highlighted the participation of “renowned artists”, both national and international. Thus, in the coming days the sopranos Katharina Konradi will perform with the Cosmos Quartet and Ruth Iniesta with the pianist Javier Carmena. You can also enjoy the duo André Cebrián and Pedro Mateo, who will join other artists who have already been at the festival these days, such as the Elías String Quartet, the Armenian violinist Sergey Khachatryan, the duo Javier Olieras Illán and Nereydas or the group Música Ficta.

He also praised the fact that this year the festival “looks at Asturias”, referring to the fact that the programme includes the participation of pianist Martín García García and the Asturias Symphony Orchestra.

10 heritage sites in La Mariña

Anxo M. Lorenzo also praised the emblematic spaces where these concerts are being held until August 23, a total of twelve, divided between the Hernán Nava Municipal Auditorium in Ribadeo; the Church of San Francisco in Viveiro; the Church of Santiago in Foz; the Basilica of San Martiño in Foz; the Auditorium of the Casa de la Cultura in Burela; the Cathedral of Mondoñedo; the Monastery Church of San Salvador in Lourenzá; the Castle of Castro de Ouro in Alfoz; and the Auditorium of the Casa da Cultura in San Cibrao in Cervo.

The last of the concerts will be performed by the Galician Symphony Orchestra, which will perform Rococo Symphony y you enter from Porrin by Rogelio Groba and Variations on a Rococo Theme Op. 33 by Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky,



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