2023-10-31 23:17:53
The week in Neuquén and Río Negro will feature heavy rainfall. The National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued a yellow and orange alert for snowfall and rain. The warning applies for this Wednesday, November 1. The detail by areas and the worst schedules.
“The area will be affected by heavy rains, values of accumulated precipitation between 30 and 50 mm that can be exceeded occasionally. In the highest areas, precipitation might be in the form of mixed rain and snow,” the SMN reported.
For the mountain area, he noted that “snowfalls of varying intensity, some heavy, are expected. Values of accumulated snow between 40 and 50 cm, and can be overcome in a timely manner. In lower areas, precipitation might be in the form of mixed rain and snow.”
Rain and snow alert: the worst times
The schedules by zones of the alert, by zones, detailed by the SMN, for this Wednesday, November 1:
Neuquén, Plottier, Centenario and surroundings, Añelo, Picún Leufú, east of El Cuy, General Roca: yellow alert for rain during Wednesday morning and night, and orange in the followingnoon.
West of Añelo, east of Picunches, east of Ñorquín, west of Añelo, west of Pehuenches, south of Chos Malal, south of Minas, Zapala, and the lower area of Aluminé, Hulliches and Lácar: yellow alert for rain during Wednesday morning and night, and orange in the morning and followingnoon.
Junín de los Andes, San Martín de los Andes, Villa la Angostura, Aluminé, Chos Malal, Loncopué, Minas Department, Las Lajas: yellow alert for snowfall for Wednesday morning and early morning.
Bariloche, Pilcaniyeu and Ñorquinco mountain range: yellow alert for snowfall this Wednesday morning.
Pilcaniyeu and Ñorquinco Plateau, July 9, El Cuy, May 25: yellow alert for rain this Wednesday morning and followingnoon.
Entry of cold and humid air: rain and snowfall
In a statement, the AIC indicated that during Tuesday, October 31 and Wednesday, November 1 «cold and humid air enters – polar air – from the Atlantic with southeast winds and in the mountains from the Pacific.
They indicated that “these conditions will cause unstable and windy periods with rain and showers in the Valleys, rain and snowfall in the Cordillera and Plateau. “Improving on Thursday the 2nd with a gradual rise in temperature towards the weekend.”
The report issued by the AIC, by zone, for Neuquén and Río Negro:
Mountain range: lrain and snowfall throughout the mountain region, Andean Zone, Lakes, basins of the Limay and Collón Cura rivers, Alto Neuquén and Colorado. White wind. The greatest intensity of precipitation is expected in the Cuenca Lakes of the Collón Cura River. Precipitation extends to the foothills at lower levels of the basins. Good and warmer weather on the weekend.
Valleys and Coast: rains and downpours. Southeast with a drop in temperature. The greatest persistence of rain is expected in the Alto Valle region up to Catriel, oil areas, Añelo, Colorado River valleys. The intensity decreases towards the east of Río Negro and southwest of Buenos Aires. Unstable on the Rio Negro coast with some scattered rains. Good and warm weather on the weekend.
Central Plateau of Neuquén and Southern Rio Negro Region: rains and snowfalls. Southeast wind. Cold. It improves on Thursday with a rise in temperature, good and warm weather on the weekend.
What does the yellow and orange alert mean?
From the SMN they explained the different alert levels. Yellow indicates “possible meteorological phenomena with the potential for damage and risk of momentary interruption of daily activities.” Meanwhile, orange marks that “dangerous meteorological phenomena for society, life, property and the environment are expected.”
Fuente: SMN y AIC
#worst #times #Wednesday