The world’s first! italian patient Infected with smallpox, monkeys, covids, HIV at the same time after making love without protection

The world’s first! Medical journal reveals italian patient Infected with smallpox, monkeys, covids, HIV at the same time after making love without protection

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As of January 2022, more than 16,000 people in more than 74 countries have been affected by monkey pox. Urging the World Health Organization to declare the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.

Human-to-human transmission occurs through close contact with infected material from skin lesions, semen, and oral secretions. As these pathogens continue to spread A person can be infected with monkeypox virus SARS-CoV-2 and an STI simultaneously, making it more difficult for doctors to make an accurate diagnosis.

Dr. Anan Chongkaewwatana, a researcher in virology, Biotech, posted a message via Facebook. Anan Jongkaewwattana Identify the caseOne patient tested positive for monkey pox, covid and HIV. can occur simultaneously in one person Citing the academic journal Journal of Infection to highlight the overlap of smallpox and COVID-19 symptoms. with confirmed cases of co-infection

According to the report of academic journals Journal of Infection It reported a case of a 36-year-old Italian male monkeypox patient with a history of traveling to Spain over a period of five days from 16 to 20 June 2022, while there had engaged in ‘sexual intercourse’. unprotected man love

9 days after the return trip, the patient began to have leading symptoms, including fever, fatigue, fatigue, sore throat, headache and enlarged lymph nodes in the right groin. SARS-CoV-2 was also found in patients with ATK.

Photo courtesy of the Journal of Infection.

After 3 days, the patient was admitted to the hospital on the same day. The blisters were found on the body on the arms, trunk, palms, fingers, legs, hips. It became very evident. On July 5th, as the blisters gradually spread, the patient went to the emergency department of Policlinico G. Rodolico San Marco University Hospital in Caracas. Tania, Italy, and later transferred to the infectious disease unit

One day later, laboratory tests at the hospital confirmed this patient.There is an epidemic of the monkey pox strain in Spain and the SARS-CoV-2 strain BA.5.1 and the presence of HIV-1 in the body. (234,000 copies/mL) with

Photo courtesy of the Journal of Infection.

Since this patient’s CD4 white blood cell count is still normal (812 cells/μL), it is possible that The patient had been infected with HIV shortly before and was unaware that he had it. The patient reported being treated for syphilis in 2019 and in September 2021 had tested negative for HIV.

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The patient was in the hospital for six days and tested positive for both monkeypox and coronavirus. But the illness has subsided a lot. The only skin symptoms that are still in the process of starting to scab are left. The doctor advised him to go to the wasp at home. After 2 days, the ATK result from the home test was negative. But the pustules were still there 8 days after coming home. The pustules are almost completely scab.

However, the doctor made an appointment for another examination. By examining the sample from the neck (Oropharyngeal swab), the results showed that The patient remains positive for the monkey pox virus. Although a small scar remained, there was no information on whether the sample examined could be further cultured or not.

The total time from the date of return from Spain to the date of the last examination was 29 days. The patient had a history of two doses of Pfizer vaccination since late last year. At the beginning of the year, he contracted the virus, which is probably BA.1 strain. This is the second infection with BA.5.1 strain, which may well escape from BA.1 and has been infected for more than 6 months.

ATK positive was reported around the time the rash appeared. It is assumed that the patient was likely to have contracted monkey pox before and was infected with SARS-CoV-2 during the monkeypox incubation period due to the shorter incubation period for the virus. The symptoms lead to different things that occur at the same time until it is impossible to differentiate the symptoms that are seen as a result of which infection exactly.

In addition, Dr. Anan also said that “For those who may be wondering if covids and monkeypox can be mixed into a new virus, it must be said that it is absolutely impossible. “Covid is a virus with RNA as its genetic material, but monkeypox is DNA, so these two viruses don’t talk about each other.”

Thank you for coming from Journal of Infection Anan Jongkaewwattana

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