The world recorded the eight hottest years since 2015

2023-04-30 08:28:00

In the report that was historically available, the eight hottest years since 2015 were recorded globally.

There are alarming statistics worldwide and climate change continues to advance. In 2022, the average global temperature was 1.15 degrees Celsius higher than between 1850 and 1900. Furthermore, the eight warmest years since records began in 1850 have already been counted from 2015.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) examines important climate indicators, such as temperature, greenhouse gases, sea level rise, ocean acidification and heat, sea ice and glaciers, in its State of the world climate 2022. The report also highlights the effects of climate change and its effects on the planet.

It specifically notes that 2022 was among the five or six warmest years on record worldwide, and the hottest year on record in Spain and Europe, despite a triple episode of “La Nia,” which only occurred three times in the previous 50 years.

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The work of the WMO explains how droughts, floods or heat waves are affecting more frequently in some areas and how their costs, both monetary and social, are increasing.

The extent of Antarctic sea ice is falling to historic lows or that the melting of glaciers in Europe has broken records, and that floods, droughts and heat waves are multiplying at the same time in communities almost all over the planet, to name a few . The global average temperature over the past eight years has been the highest ever recorded.

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In short, the WMO guarantees that “from the tops of the mountains to the depths of the oceans, climate change continued to advance in 2022” and resulted in losses totaling “many billions of dollars”.

The State of the World’s Climate in 2022 explains how the record levels of greenhouse gases in the period 2015-2022, which are already the eight warmest years on record, are responsible for changes on a global scale, on land, sea and the atmosphere.

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