The world of sport in mourning, the federation announces: “He left young..” (photo)

2024-04-21 21:54:49

The world of Senegalese sport is in mourning, the Senegalese Rugby Federation (FSR) is losing one of its young talents. She has just announced the tragic death of Moustapha Bangare Diédhiou, distinguished player of the Pikine team and the “S’en Fou Le Score”.

At the prime of his life, Bangare Diédhiou leaves us, leaving behind a huge void in the Senegalese rugby family. The young player, known for his all-consuming passion for rugby and photography, embodied the energy and determination of his generation. He had embraced life with rare intensity, devoting himself to his two passions with contagious enthusiasm.

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The SeneNews editorial staff joins the pain of the FSR and the family of Moustapha Bangare Diédhiou in these difficult times. May his soul rest in peace and may his memory always light up the rugby fields where he shone so much.

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