Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, an epidemiologist and technical officer for COVID-19 at the World Health Organization, said that recently a question has been asked by many: “Why do I care? Omicron is everywhere and it may be infected now,” explaining that it is a very serious question. It deserves an answer.
In a video clip broadcast through the official accounts of the World Health Organization, Dr. Maria said that the reason for the strong desire to prevent the spread of the omicron variant of the SARS-Cove-2 virus, is primarily because the possibility of exacerbating the condition to become severe and dangerous exists, especially among those who ” suffer from chronic or serious diseases, the elderly, and those who have not received the vaccine,” and therefore the infected person may eventually die.
Dr. Maria added that what the World Health Organization seeks to prevent is the occurrence of serious illness or deaths due to the omicron variable, noting that a person can become infected without facing serious problems or without symptoms. But the risk is that there is a possibility of transmitting the infection to another person who is more likely to develop serious complications.
Dr. Maria stated that research is still ongoing and no definitive results have been reached regarding post-recovery complications from Covid-19, or long-term Covid-19, in the long run, citing in this context that it is still unknown what are the repercussions of infection with the omicron variable, Which multiplies in the upper respiratory tract in contrast to other variants of SARS-CoV-2 virus that infect and multiply in the lower respiratory tract, and whether infection of the Omicron variant leads to suffering any long-term negative side effects.
Dr. Maria appealed to everyone to do everything they can to avoid infection with the Corona virus and protect themselves by adhering to the following:
receive the vaccine.
Maintain a safe distance from others.
Wear a suitable protective mask.
Coughing or sneezing into the elbow.
Keep windows open for fresh air in offices and buildings.
Clean hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol.