the World Bank releases additional aid of more than a billion dollars

The World Bank approved on Tuesday 1is March, humanitarian aid of more than one billion dollars (900 million euros) to support the Afghan people, via the reallocation of funding from the Special Fund for the Reconstruction of Afghanistan (ARTF).

This financial assistance will be “in the form of grants” granted to United Nations agencies and international NGOs, the Washington institution said in a statement. And she “will remain outside the control of the Taliban interim administration”, she assured. It follows that announced on December 10 for an amount of 280 million dollars. The World Bank then indicated that this was a first step. The Washington institution had to suspend its aid to Kabul at the end of August following the Taliban returned to power.

ARTF is a multi-donor trust fund that coordinates international assistance to improve the lives of millions of Afghans. The World Bank administers the ARTF on behalf of donor partners. Until the Taliban took over, the ARTF was Afghanistan’s largest source of development funding, funding up to 30% of the government’s budget.

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“Protecting vulnerable Afghans”

Unable to pay money directly to the Taliban regime, which is not recognized by the international community, and given the humanitarian and economic crisis in the country, the World Bank decided to reallocate these funds to organizations such as the Unicef.

The Afghan population has indeed been facing food shortages and growing poverty since the Taliban took power in mid-August. The aim of the new aid is to “protecting vulnerable Afghans”and to contribute “to preserve essential economic and social services”commented the World Bank.

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Initially, ARTF donors will dedicate some $600 million to four projects aimed at “respond to urgent needs in the education, health and agriculture sectors”, with a focus on dedicated support for girls and women. Finalization of project design and financing should take place ” in the next weeks “.

“These $600 million will be supplemented by additional ARTF allocations in 2022 if conditions permit”, also specified the World Bank. She points out that it is a question of having an approach « flexible » given the changing situation on the ground.

In December, the 280 million had been allocated to Unicef ​​and the World Food Program (WFP). The World Bank then argued that these two United Nations organizations, well established in Afghanistan, had logistical capacities on the ground allowing them to use these funds wisely. The challenge remains to provide aid that is not diverted by the Taliban.

Also listen Afghanistan sinks into misery and famine

The World with AFP



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