The Women’s Front is critical of the new abortion law

The Women’s Front is critical of the new abortion law

Today, women can have an abortion after week 12 if “there is a high risk that the child may develop a serious illness, as a result of hereditary factors, illness or harmful influences during pregnancy”.

The government now proposes that medical conditions in the fetus should not, as a general rule, give direct access to granting abortion after week 18. Health and Care Minister Jan Christian Vestre (Ap) rejected that the change was a tightening, when he presented the bill on Friday. The leader of the Women’s Front disagrees with that.

– This is to agree to the premises of those who want a total ban on abortion. It is the premise that women discriminate and sort when they make the decision to have an abortion, she says to Klassekampen.

Kristiansen believes that guilt and shame are inflicted on women through the wording of the proposal, and calls it “politics to please some Christian, conservative circles”.

– Self-determined abortion is actually women’s human right. We must stop talking about abortion as a right we would rather not use, she tells the newspaper.

Klasskampen writes that Kvinnefronten basically wants no limit on when women can choose to have an abortion. The leader of Kvinnefronten emphasizes that she is happy that the government is in favor of extending the limit for self-determined abortion to week 18.

– We are very happy to have been able to expand the border and take half a cake for it. But there is still a long way to go.

#Womens #Front #critical #abortion #law
2024-08-26 14:25:16



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