The woman was brutally beaten in the street… The ruthless man even “slapped the onlookers” Horror scene exposure | International | CTWANT

A man kicked and kicked a woman in the street in Guangxi, mainland China. The video went viral on the Internet and immediately sparked heated discussions. (Picture / Recap of Sohu News)

A man kicked and kicked a woman in the street in Guangxi, mainland China. The video went viral on the Internet and immediately caused heated discussions. Nearby businesses also witnessed the incident and said that the man rushed over and slapped the onlookers. The case is currently under investigation .

comprehensiveLu MediaAccording to reports, the incident happened at 9 am on February 10. A video showed a woman in black lying in the middle of the road. The woman in white tried to help the woman in black up, but the man kicked the woman in black to the ground and kicked him several times; then the police came to the scene, and the woman in black was supported by the police and the woman in white. left the scene.

An eyewitness said that when he was passing by the intersection of Hanger Road and Hangyun Road in Liuzhou, he saw the police questioning two women. He heard people talking about it, saying that a man beat one of them on the street. Few citizens watched.

Mr. Tan, a business owner near the incident, said that the man started kicking the woman on the other side of the street. When he came to the shop, the man saw his employees watching, and suddenly came over and slapped the employee while cursing, and then ran away. “Currently our employees have called the police, the police are investigating, and the man is still looking for it.”

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It is reported that the Liuzhou police are currently investigating the matter and called the Wulika police station. The staff said that it is inconvenient to disclose the relevant investigation situation.

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