“The winner of the election will emerge in the light, with an honest confrontation and everyone present”

Mr. Polakis, since yesterday, has announced that he will not attend the meeting and insists “that we march in an orderly manner and without “appearances” and exclusions in the elections”, expressing his disagreement with the possibility of deleting the ousted president.

In his post, he states that he has taken initiatives to end introversion. “”Trials” and delusions of grandeur retired, candidate exclusion tactics foiled. The winner of the elections will emerge in the light, with an honest confrontation and with everyone present,” he stressed.

“Miracles, miracle workers and political “messiahs” and mediators, did not exist and will not exist. What is needed are popular forces in motion and leadership that responds to social needs and rights,” he said.

Pavlos Polakis’s post in detail


When I took the initiative to claim the Presidency of SYRIZA PS, I identified my purpose, once again, with the good of Greece and the great Democratic faction in terms of left-wing ethics and vision.

I took initiatives to end introversion, which paid off. “Trials” and delusions of grandeur retired, candidate exclusion tactics foiled.
The winner of the election will be revealed, with an honest confrontation and with everyone present.
My insistence that we march in an orderly manner and without “appearances” and exclusions in the elections, stems from my belief that battles are fought on political terms in society.

A small and troubled SYRIZA PS is not in Greece’s interest and that is why I submitted, from the first moment, a radical, subversive political plan with 6 pillars that is enriched every day.

A program of overturning the economic and political correlations in favor of the working society, the small and medium, the farmers, the young people who deserve an equal opportunity in their country and the weak.

I appeal to the democratic people of this country, from the honest conservative-center-right citizens to the extra-parliamentary left, to sign and implement with prudence, determination and vision a ten-year social contract.
A new wealth redistribution policy that will not depend on the interests of the few or personal agendas and will release the power of citizens and especially the young generation!
Together we will build an HONEST Greece with equality in both the opportunities and the enjoyment of the goods produced by the human knowledge of our time!

A new relationship with the present and the future.

Miracles, miracle workers and political “messiahs” and mediators, did not exist and will not exist.
What is needed is popular forces in motion and leadership that responds to social needs and rights

I started my journey to the people with only allies the people and my work, which the system has been hiding for ten years. Not anymore. Now my truths will be heard.

They fear individual and collective competence.

They want society dependent and afraid.

Neither to me, nor to the majority of you, life gave something.

I invite you to frame my struggle and listen with an open heart to my message.

Let’s make our will for change, power of upheaval and justice.

Come to the polls en masse to elect a President on November 24th.

Everywhere in Greece we will spread the message of redistribution-justice-overthrow!

The great and victorious SYRIZA PS is the only nationally beneficial option.

Let’s do it together!
Good strength and good matches to have.

Pavlos Polakis, Member of Parliament of Chania, candidate for President of SYRIZA PS.
PS Tomorrow in Lasithi, the day after in Rethymno

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