The whole government mobilizes 70% of departments to act within two hours – 20230315 – Hong Kong News – Daily Ming Pao

Zhou Xiaosong, a member of the labor union, said that he received reports from civil servant groups that civil servants went out to work on the day of the drill last month. For example, lifeguards or the Leisure and Cultural Services Department were working outside and could not see their emails. They only learned about the drill after reading the news. They believed that the internal communication of the government could be improved. . Zhou continued that it was regrettable that some civil servants wanted to participate in the exercise but were rejected by their superiors.

According to the mobilization mechanism, the government plans to mobilize at least 10,000 people immediately to form an emergency team. All policy bureaus must pre-compile lists, divide them into three shifts and arrange replacements. In the exercise last month, about 900 people from about 26 policy bureaus and departments participated in the field exercise. According to the pre-compiled schedule, each department arranged about 10,000 first-shift personnel to enter the “state of alert.” The bureau said that it will conduct regular drills in the future to strengthen the execution of the “whole-of-government mobilization” and the mobility of civil servant groups.

Disciplinary action for do not answer the phone

Zhou Xiaosong said that the department has prepared a two-month to six-month update schedule, but some civil servant groups have reported that if they do not answer the phone during the update period, they may face disciplinary action. Zhou called on the authorities to communicate more with the staff, “Does everyone hear the phone call in the middle of the night? Does this require disciplinary action? Can it be improved?”

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