The whole background of Sokratis Famellos’ karatomization – Why did he choose N. Pappa for K.O.

The whole background of Sokratis Famellos’ karatomization – Why did he choose N. Pappa for K.O.

The choice of Nikos Pappas is not at all accidental, as with this move Stefanos Kasselakis seeks to increase his influence in the Central Committee, given that Pavlos Polakis will submit a motion of censure against him. It is noted that the member of parliament of Chania controls a significant part of this organ, as does Nikos Pappas.

New parliamentary representatives are appointed:

Yannis Sarakiotis

Nina Kasimati and

George Gavrilos

Replacing them:

Nikos Pappa

Theofilos Xanthopoulos and

Dionysis Kalamatianos

Deputy Parliamentary Representative: Vassilis Kokkalis

EPEKE Coordinator: Iota Poulos.

Deputy coordinator of EPEKE: Rallia Christidou.

Stefanos Kasselakis had targeted Sokratis Famellos because of the attitude taken by the former head of the KO at the stormy meeting of the Central Organizing Committee of the Conference.

The position of Stefanos Kasselakis at the KO meeting:

“I am determined to move on a new course of extroversion, with a modern SYRIZA of members, society, citizens. Today is just the beginning. And in this new course, I propose a new composition for the Bureau of our parliamentary representation, which I believe will strengthen our efficiency as a Group as well as our firepower. I therefore propose that Nikos Pappas take over the position of Head of our Parliamentary Group. I recommend Nikos for two main reasons. First, because Nikos is a respected economist with a PhD in economics from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland. In fact, he did his thesis on the microeconomic effects of Greece’s demographic problem, which is very current. Nikos also taught at the University for four years.

We do not entrust our Economy to Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who has failed in the private sector, or Kostis Hatzidakis, who has never worked in his life. Their pernicious effects are now visible even to their supporters. We have the experience and knowledge to address the true field of the economy: The small and medium entrepreneur. The freelancer. The farmer’s. Of the wage earner who must live with dignity. The economy of research and innovation. Secondly, because Nikos is a politician with solid political foundations, who has been targeted by the system from which he brought large revenues to the coffers of the State,” said Stefanos Kasselakis to SYRIZA’s KO.

At the same time, the proposal that will be put to a vote includes the following changes: Giorgos Gavrilos, Yiannis Sarakiotis and Nina Kasimati are proposed as parliamentary representatives. Iota Poulou is proposed as coordinator of the sector heads and Rallia Christidou as deputy coordinator. On the contrary, Theodora Tzakri is the only one who is saved and remains in the position of K.O.’s secretary.

“Secretary of the Parliamentary Group remains Theodora Tzakri, who from the first moment she assumed this role has worked with endless endurance, and I thank her for her decisive contribution. The director of K.O remains Thanos Moraitis, who, for his part, works hard every day to resolve the issues that arise. For the positions of the three Parliamentary Representatives, I recommend Giorgos Gavrilos, Yiannis Sarakiotis and Nina Kasimati.

I propose Vassilis Kokkalis as Deputy Parliamentary Representative and Iota Poulos as EPEKE coordinator. Rallia Christidou remains the deputy coordinator of EPEKE. I wholeheartedly thank Theofilos Xanthopoulos and Dionysis Kalamatianos for their work since last October. I rely on them for maximum parliamentary efficiency”, added Stefanos Kasselakis.


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