The US Special Envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, described WhatsApp’s act of disclosing a proxy to Iranian users as smart and useful in maintaining their connection to the world.
Mali, in his tweet, welcomed WhatsApp’s move to reveal an agent for Iranian users. He wrote: so that he can [الإيرانيون]despite the constant supervision imposed by the guide, to keep the channels of communication open between themselves and the outside world.
“We stand with the Iranian protesters”
Democratic Senator Bob Menendez also responded to the addition of the ability to use a proxy in WhatsApp, saying, “WhatsApp’s important effort to secure users’ access to the Internet in the face of censorship and blackouts is a powerful show of solidarity that shows we stand with Iranian protesters.”
These messages come a day following “WhatsApp” announced that the agent that was activated in this messenger will allow users to send messages or make phone calls even if the Internet is down.
“There are millions of people in Iran and elsewhere who are still denied the right to communicate freely and confidentially,” Will Cathcart, director of WhatsApp, said of the ban in Iran and some other places.
strict restrictions
In its statement, WhatsApp also shared a guide on how to set up an agent for users who want to help their friends and family.
And with the continued strict restrictions on the Internet in Iran and the blocking of the social network “Instagram” and “WhatsApp”, in conjunction with the Iranian people’s uprising once morest the regime, the local media announced in their reports, in early October, that this blocking may be permanent. .
Netblacks, the non-governmental organization that oversees the world’s internet, also reported restricting access to WhatsApp and Instagram in Iran, cutting off internet access for operators Hamraul and Irancel, and seeing a glitch in the internet. During the protests, stressing that Iran is subject to the most severe restrictions on the Internet since November 2019.
“We will spare no effort”
After “WhatsApp” was disrupted at the beginning of the protests, the company announced, in response to criticism of this application, in the context of its interruption and downtime in Iran, that it would exert all its technical strength to maintain the service and the possibility of it being used by all users in the world.
“We are trying to ensure that our Iranian friends stay in touch with each other, and we will spare no effort within our capabilities so that our communication services remain continuously active,” WhatsApp announced in a message on Sept. 22.