The West Bank: A Tapestry of Struggles and Resilience Amidst Uncertainty

Israeli bulldozers destroy West Bank infrastructure, Palestine. (Al-Jazeera Doc)

Israeli forces withdrew from the northern West Bank cities of Jenin, Tulkarem and their refugee camps early on September 6.

It came after 10 days of raids and attacks that killed 36 Palestinians and injured dozens more.

In a statement on Facebook, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry accused Israel of shifting its brutal destruction and destruction in Gaza to the occupied West Bank.

This can be proven by the devastated situation in the cities of Jenin and Tulkarem and the refugee camps there.

Read also: UNRWA: Last Week Deadliest for West Bank Residents

On August 28, the Israeli army began its widest military offensive in the northern West Bank in two decades.

Israeli forces destroyed main roads in Jenin, refugee camps, and infrastructure in the eastern area of ​​the city.

Water, electricity and communications lines were cut off due to excavations and debris carried out by Israeli construction machines in the vicinity. (TRT World/Z-2)

#Israel #Leaves #West #Bank #Melting #Ruin

west bank cos’è

The West Bank: A Palestinian Territory Under Occupation

The West‍ Bank, also known as Cisgiordania in Italian, is⁤ a region in the Middle East⁢ that has been at the center of a long-standing conflict between Israelis and⁤ Palestinians. The region ‌is part ⁤of the former​ British-mandated ⁢territory of⁢ Palestine west of the Jordan River, claimed from‍ 1949 to 1988 as part of the Hashemite Kingdom of ‌Jordan [[2]]. Today, the West Bank ‌is claimed by the Palestinians as ​part of their future state, ⁤while Israel exercises control⁢ over the region through military ‌occupation.

History of the West Bank

The West Bank has a rich history dating⁤ back to ancient times. It was ​part ‍of the Ottoman Empire until⁢ the⁣ British Mandate period ‍(1920-1947), after which it was occupied by Jordan‌ [[2]]. In⁢ 1967, Israel captured the West Bank during the Six-Day War, and since then, the region has been ‍under⁤ Israeli military occupation [[3]]. The Palestinians consider the West Bank,⁣ along with ⁢the Gaza Strip, as essential parts of their future independent state.

Current Situation

The ‌West Bank is currently occupied​ by Israel, with the Palestinian National Authority exercising partial ‌control over certain areas [[1]]. The region is home to a population of around 3 million Palestinians, with many ⁤living in refugee camps. The situation in the West‍ Bank is ‌characterized by ongoing conflict, with periodic ​outbreaks of violence and clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters.

Recent⁢ Developments

Recently, Israeli forces withdrew from⁢ the northern West Bank cities of Jenin, Tulkarem, and their refugee‌ camps after ⁢10 days of raids and‌ attacks ⁢that killed 36 Palestinians and injured ⁢dozens more. The Palestinian Foreign‍ Ministry has accused Israel of shifting‌ its‍ brutal destruction‌ from Gaza to the occupied West Bank. The devastated situation in‍ the West Bank is a testament to the ⁤ongoing​ human suffering and ⁤destruction caused‌ by the conflict.

Infrastructure and ⁣Settlements

The ​West Bank is dotted with Israeli settlements, many of⁤ which are considered illegal under international law. These settlements ⁢are a major point of contention between Israelis and Palestinians, with the Palestinians viewing them as an obstacle to their ​right to self-determination. In addition, the West Bank’s infrastructure, including ⁢roads,​ schools, and healthcare facilities, is frequently damaged or destroyed during military operations, further exacerbating⁢ the humanitarian crisis in‍ the region.


The West⁣ Bank is a complex and contested‍ region,⁤ with a rich history and a precarious ⁢present. The ongoing ‍conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has resulted in significant ⁢human suffering,‌ destruction of infrastructure, and a lack of prospects for a ⁣peaceful resolution. It‌ is essential for the international community to recognize the legitimate ⁣rights of the Palestinian people and to work towards a negotiated settlement that addresses ⁤the root‍ causes of the‍ conflict.


[1] Cisgiordania.‌ (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved from ‌

[2] West Bank​ | History, Population, Map, Settlements, ⁤& Facts. (n.d.). Britannica. Retrieved from

[3] What are the Gaza Strip and the West Bank? (n.d.). ⁣PCR Foundation. Retrieved from

West Bank en français

The West Bank: A Palestinian Territory Under Occupation

The West Bank, also known as Cisgiordania in Italian, is a region in the Middle East that has been at the center of a long-standing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. The region is part of the former British-mandated territory of Palestine west of the Jordan River, claimed from 1949 to 1988 as part of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan [[2]]. Today, the West Bank is claimed by the Palestinians as part of their future state, while Israel exercises control over the region through military occupation.

History of the West Bank

The West Bank has a rich history dating back to ancient times. It was part of the Ottoman Empire until the British Mandate period (1920-1947), after which it was occupied by Jordan [[2]]. In 1967, Israel captured the West Bank during the Six-Day War, and since then, the region has been under Israeli military occupation [[3]]. The Palestinians consider the West Bank, along with the Gaza Strip, as essential parts of their future independent state.

Current Situation

The West Bank is currently occupied by Israel, with the Palestinian National Authority exercising partial control over certain areas [[1]]. The region is home to a population of around 3 million Palestinians, with many living in refugee camps. The situation in the West Bank is characterized by ongoing conflict, with periodic outbreaks of violence and clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters.

Recent Developments

Recently, Israeli forces withdrew from the northern West Bank cities of Jenin, Tulkarem, and their refugee camps after 10 days of raids and attacks that killed 36 Palestinians and injured dozens more. The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has accused Israel of shifting its brutal destruction from Gaza to the occupied West Bank. The devastated situation in the West Bank is a testament to the ongoing human suffering and destruction caused by the conflict.

Infrastructure and Settlements

The West Bank is dotted with Israeli settlements, many of which are considered illegal under international law. These settlements are a major point of contention between Israelis and Palestinians, with the Palestinians viewing them as an obstacle to their right to self-determination. In addition,



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