The week begins with tensions and disputes for 4 signs


The work week begins with the trine of the Sun in Libra with Jupiter in Gemini. This is a particularly optimistic aspect that favors your relationships both on a personal and professional level. It is the best day to arrange to go out with friends, colleagues, make acquaintances or even have a first conversation about something professional that could open new avenues for you, especially if you were born at the beginning of the third decade. Of course, at the same time you may face pressures in a personal or family relationship.


The week begins with a lucky aspect between the Sun in Libra and Jupiter in Gemini on Monday 10/14. It is a rare (twice a year) aspect, which can help you both in matters of relationships and in deepening your close, mainly romantic and family relationships, or also in matters of the home. It even helps in health matters if there is any problem to overcome it with proper treatment. You will be more favored if you are born towards the end of the second – beginning of the third decade of your sign. An opportunity in real estate matters or a financial help from your family environment are within the scenarios of the aspect. Of course, on the same day, the square of the Sun and Mars is formed in zodiac sign which increases your ambitions but also your competitive tendencies. Try not to put pressure on others besides yourself so that there is no diffuse irritation.


At the start of the work week we have the trine of the Sun just before it leaves your sign with Jupiter. Twice a year this aspect forms and favors a spontaneous generous attitude towards things and other people. It favors you in the field of studies and travel. It is the ideal time to plan the future, dream about what you want to happen in your life, take an interest in study matters, organize a trip for the coming months, rekindle your relationships especially if you have a birthday these days. Of course, at the same time the square of the Sun is formed from your sign with Mars and this means that you may have adventures and difficulties in career matters or intense pressure from superiors, superiors, etc.


The new week of October hosts one of the luckiest aspects of the year, the Sun’s trine with Jupiter on Monday. For you, this aspect could bring some positive development either in professional matters or in career matters. Of course, if you were born at the beginning of the third decade, you should be quite careful in your relationships, because with the square of the Sun and Mars on the same day, there may be pressures and tensions with superiors and superiors. Don’t put your ego in front.

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