The weakest president in the history of Lebanon

Samir Geagea, head of the Lebanese Forces party, launched a sharp attack on the country’s president, Michel Aoun, describing him as “the weakest president in Lebanon’s history.”

In memory of the martyrs of the “Lebanese Resistance”, Geagea said during a mass entitled “The Covenant to You”, at the party’s headquarters, on Sunday, that “the results of the recent parliamentary elections are only the beginning, following weeks (they will leave the palace… and they will leave history). Violin)”, in reference to the current system of government.

He stressed that “until this moment, and despite all the tragedies and devastation they caused (the ruling team), they are still continuing the same destructive approach for one goal, which is to preserve their personal interests,” noting that “a large part of the Lebanese emigrated, and the rest is still here.” He suffers daily at all levels, just to remain attached to his land and the legacy of his ancestors.

The head of the Forces Party (which has the largest parliamentary bloc in the House of Representatives with 19 deputies), added: “They are obstructing the formation of a new government, and they are preparing as always to disrupt the presidential elections, and what is certain is that this is not in order to put forward a specific reform plan, but rather an attempt to bring in Gibran Bassil (head of the current). Free Patriotic Movement), as President of the Republic, succeeding Aoun.

Geagea addressed the Lebanese, saying: “They have their Lebanon, and we have ours. Their Lebanon is chaos, ruin, destruction, poverty and no state, while our Lebanon is order, construction, progress, civilization, prosperity, and the state.. Their Lebanon is all in the way of Iran and Hezbollah is fading.. Their Lebanon is the state that is disintegrating, and the institutions that are collapsing.” And allying with the most unsuccessful losers, corrupting the corrupt, covering their corruption, and participating in it to protect what they call the resistance.”

The head of the “forces” stressed: “We will not accept, no matter what happens, any change in Lebanon’s face, or in its role, message and identity, and we will not accept at all that our country becomes a stranger, isolated from its Arab environment, or from the international community.”

“We will confront any project that wants to drag (Lebanon) to a place that does not resemble it, and has nothing to do with its past or history, nor the nature of its people, and threatens its existence and the future of its people,” according to Geagea, who added: “We will not accept the obliteration of Lebanon’s history by anyone and its modification to suit his ideology.” and his theories, or to manipulate the Lebanese privacy, and jump above the facts of history and geography.”

With the start of the constitutional deadline for electing a new president, Geagea said: “We are facing a fateful and decisive presidential entitlement between staying in the crisis or the beginning of our exit from it: either staying in the tunnel and dying in hell underground, or leaving it towards light, light and life.”

He talked regarding the characteristics of the country’s next president, saying: “We want a president who is not subject to illegal militias, subject to a foreign state, who defends our sovereignty, restores our dignity and restores the strategic decision of the state instead of helping to keep it outside it, and that he be a reformer, not a spectator of corruption, and who fights with all his might.” In order to reform our institutions and our economy, not disable them.

“We will not accept six years similar to the one that passed, and we will not be satisfied with a president from them, but we want a president who is able to change everything we lived during this era, and break the equation that was established because of their rule,” according to Geagea.

He added: “We want a strong president, even if some consider that the theory of a strong president has fallen, for the current president is not a strong president but rather the weakest president in Lebanon’s history, given that he is submissive and submissive, and has sacrificed his people and country to serve his personal interests.”

In his opinion, “the rescue operation will only be achieved by a president facing my rescue, and here the responsibility rests entirely with the Parliament, which will elect a new president of the republic, knowing that it is time to define responsibilities accurately and clearly, away from generalities, generalization and ignorance of the actor, as always, and evasion of responsibility.” .

In this regard, he clarified that: Some, in order to evade their responsibilities, consider that the Lebanese presidential election is linked to the balances of the region and the negotiations on the nuclear file in Vienna, but the truth is that the presidential elections are not determined by external wills, nor are they the result of regional and international equations, but rather the product of an internal will and a method. The vote of the 128 deputies in the Lebanese Parliament.

Stressing that “the first step on the path to salvation is to deliver the President of the Republic of Salvation”, Geagea directed to “all the opposition parliamentary blocs, which are the Democratic Gathering bloc, the Kataeb Party, the Change Deputies, the Northern Representatives of National Moderation, the Renewal Bloc, the Representatives of Sidon, and the Homeland of Man.” And the other independent deputies, one by one, have the responsibility to deliver the rescue president to our responsibility, otherwise we will betray the trust.”

And he considered that “delivering the president of the republic of my salvation completely stops the practices of the ruling system, and begins a new page in the life of the Lebanese state and its people, instead of continuing to curse the darkness of the ruling system and the axis of resistance.”

And Lebanese parliamentary blocs practically began the journey of searching for a rescue leader, with specific conditions and criteria that they had set, to block the candidate of Hezbollah and its allies in Lebanon.

During a press conference, held yesterday, Saturday, MPs Melhem Khalaf and Michel Douaihy announced the initiative document, in the name of the bloc and in the presence and participation of representatives of the Forces for Change, including among them; Ibrahim Mneimneh, Elias Jaradi, Paula Yacoubian, Halima Al-Qaqour, Rami Feng, Firas Hamdan, Melhem Khalaf, Michel Douaihy, Najat Aoun.

And regarding the next step for the initiative, the bloc said: “We will start by holding a series of popular and political consultations to present this initiative, in Lebanon and abroad, starting with the parties, groups and personalities that believe in the October 17 reference, to all the forces, with the aim of reaching an agreement on the name of the rescue personality that is available. It contains the required standards and conditions, and enjoys the widest possible parliamentary support.”

And the bloc announced that “the major decisive step for change is in the upcoming presidential elections, by electing a new president of the republic according to the hopes and aspirations of the Lebanese, and the path of change starts from here, and through this new president we start a new page and start with him in recovering the state with its broad concepts.”

In light of the fragile balances within the parliament, which resulted from the last parliamentary elections last May, it seems difficult to secure a quorum for the session to elect a president (the attendance of 86 deputies) without reaching some kind of agreement or a certain compromise between the largest number of parliamentary blocs.

Unless this agreement is reached, the country will be on a date with the repetition of the scenario of the last presidential elections when the country witnessed a presidential vacuum that lasted two and a half years, as a result of Hezbollah and its allies disrupting the quorum before reaching a settlement that led to the election of General Michel Aoun as president.



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