The way to buy F-35 aircraft from the United States has not been paved, UAE – World

An official of the United Arab Emirates has said that they are going to buy the latest F-35 aircraft from the United States, but perhaps the time has not come yet. There are difficulties in this regard. Due to the issues that had to stop the negotiations for the deal with the US, those issues remain.

The British news agency said in a report yesterday that the United Arab Emirates government will resume negotiations to buy $35 billion worth of F-35 aircraft if Donald Trump is re-elected as the US president. This deal was canceled by Donald Trump in the last days of his first term as President.

The UAE government also held talks with the Biden administration but these talks failed and there has been no talk between the two countries after 2021.

A top U.A. official has said that should anyone come to the U.S. presidency in November, talks on buying the latest U.S. jets are unlikely to resume because the situation remains the same.