The wave of lightning that crosses the universe and hits the Earth

The sign that originated in the direction of the constellation Sagittathat is traveled approximately 1.9 billion years to reach Earth. Astronomers believe that it is the birth cry of a black hole that formed in the heart of a massive star collapsing under its own weight.

The possibilities offered by the outbreak

The light of this great explosion provided an opportunity to generate new insights into stellar collapse, the birth of a black hole, the behavior of matter near the speed of light, and conditions in a distant galaxy, among other things. Also this it is a phenomenon that may not appear for decades.

Another of the particular characteristics that this event had is that it happened relatively close to Earth. This allowed, for example, the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). could have detect bursting for more than 10 hours.

“This outburst is much closer than typical GRBswhich is exciting because it allows us to detect a lot of detail that would otherwise be too faint to see,” said Roberta Pilleramember of Fermi LAT Collaboration who led the initial communications about the outbreak.

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