The waters of the Seine River were not suitable for swimming when the mayor of Paris bathed | Olympic Games Special

The waters of the Seine River in Paris did not meet sanitary conditions on July 17, when Mayor Anne Hidalgo decided to bathe in them to demonstrate that they were suitable for hosting several events of the Olympic Games (JJ.OO).

The station France Info revealed this contradiction on Friday after publicizing the results of daily water samples taken to monitor levels of the two types of bacteria (Escherichia coli and enterococci) used to determine whether sanitary conditions were met.

On the day that Anne Hidalgo took her long-anticipated dip, alongside the head of the Paris 2024 Games Organizing Committee, Tony Estanguet, and the prefect (government delegate) of the Île-de-France region, in front of dozens of journalists and cameras, the thresholds established by health authorities were exceeded.

High Concentration of E. Coli

Specifically, at the point where they entered the water, the concentration of E. coli bacteria was 985 CFU (units) per 100 milliliters, while the limit set by the Regional Health Authority in 2023 was 900. In another stretch of the river, the levels reached 1,017 CFU per 100 milliliters in Bercy.

The indicators have shown improvement in recent weeks. In June, the measured levels were significantly higher due to increased river flow from rainfall upstream in late spring.

The Mayor’s bath had been postponed for several weeks specifically because of the poor water conditions. This action was an important image to address the doubts that have lingered since the organizers of the Paris Games decided to hold some events in the Seine.

Mayor of Paris when she bathed in the Seine River | EFE Agency

The Tests to Be Conducted on the Seine River for the Olympic Games

Specifically, the triathlon swimming event is scheduled for July 30 for men, July 31 for women, and August 5 for the mixed relay.

The men’s and women’s open water marathons will also take place there on August 31 and September 5, respectively. This is part of Paris 2024’s strategy to highlight the capital’s most iconic locations during the Games.

Since 2016, French authorities have invested 1.4 billion euros in a comprehensive plan to enhance water quality. It is expected that by summer 2025, swimming in the stretch of river that flows through Paris will be possible, something that has not occurred for a century.

This includes redirecting many drains to pass through treatment plants instead of discharging directly into the river, as well as constructing large storage tanks.

These tanks are utilized to divert a portion of rainwater during heavy rainfall to prevent it from entering the sewer system. If the sewer levels rise too high, overflow systems will redirect part of the flow into the river, thus contaminating it.

Sanitary Conditions of the Seine River Ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

On July 17, the waters of the Seine River in Paris were publicly declared unfit for sanitary use when Mayor Anne Hidalgo took a symbolic bath to showcase the river’s quality for the upcoming Olympic Games (JJ.OO). This act, intended to bolster public confidence, turned controversial when subsequent laboratory tests revealed alarming bacteria levels.

Revealing the Contradiction: Health Reports and Bacteria Levels

The France Info station brought the contradiction to light following the release of daily water sample results, which monitor the presence of harmful bacteria, specifically Escherichia coli and enterococci. The day of Hidalgo’s swim, the concentration of E. coli at the entry point was a staggering 985 CFU (colony-forming units) per 100 milliliters, exceeding the health authority’s limit of 900 CFU. Another test along the Bercy area recorded a similar exceeding measure of 1,017 CFU per 100 milliliters.

Recent Improvements in Water Quality

Although these results painted a troubling picture, improved indicators were noted in recent weeks. Following heavy rainfalls in late spring, the Seine’s flow had been significantly higher, contributing to elevated bacteria levels in June, which fortunately have since seen substantial improvement.

The Importance of the Mayor’s Bath for Public Perception

Mayor Hidalgo’s bath was a key event aimed at dispelling lingering concerns regarding the river’s sanitation amidst the growing anticipation for the Olympic events scheduled to take place in and around this iconic Parisian landmark. However, its timing and the ensuing results prompted mixed reactions from both the public and health authorities.

Upcoming Events in the Seine River

The triathlon swimming events, a major highlight of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, are set to take place in the Seine. The schedule is as follows:

  • Men’s Triathlon: July 30, 2024
  • Women’s Triathlon: July 31, 2024
  • Mixed Relay Triathlon: August 5, 2024
  • Men’s Open Water Marathon: August 31, 2024
  • Women’s Open Water Marathon: September 5, 2024

Investments and Efforts to Improve Water Quality

Since 2016, French authorities have invested a staggering 1.4 billion euros into comprehensive plans directed at enhancing the Seine’s water quality. This initiative aims not only to restore the Seine’s ecosystem but also to revive public swimming opportunities in its waters—something that hasn’t been possible for over a century.

Key Strategies Implemented Include:

  • Redirecting storm drains through treatment facilities instead of letting them drain directly into the river.
  • Constructing massive reservoirs to manage rainwater runoff during heavy rainfall.
  • Implementing rigorous monitoring systems to ensure water quality is consistent with health regulations.

The Challenges Ahead: Maintaining Sanitary Conditions

Despite ongoing improvements, achieving the desired sanitation levels remains a significant challenge. The increase in urban runoff during rains often overwhelms treatment facilities, leading to sewage overflow into the Seine. The authorities are continuously working to refine these systems in anticipation of the Games.

Case Study: Previous Initiatives in River Sanitation

Looking towards successful models in other cities can provide insights into effective strategies for maintaining water quality. Cities like London and New York have invested heavily in river cleaning initiatives, which significantly improved conditions over time.

Tips for Staying Informed About Seine Water Quality

For individuals interested in swimming or closely following the river conditions during the Olympic Games, several resources can enhance awareness:

  • Follow local news outlets such as France Info for real-time updates.
  • Check the official Paris 2024 Olympics website for changes in event schedules or locations due to water quality concerns.
  • Consider following social media channels dedicated to environmental health in Paris.

Final Thoughts: The Future of Swimming in the Seine

The aspiration to one day swim in the Seine River is gradually moving closer to reality, with significant public and governmental support. As the world watches, the success of these efforts will hinge on continuous monitoring and robust public health strategies to ensure safe and sanitary conditions for upcoming Olympic events and beyond.

The waters of the Seine River were revealed to be unfit for swimming when the mayor of Paris bathed



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