The Washington Times named five signs of a close collapse of the United States

Analysts named the five main problems of the United States
A photo: Vladimir Zhabrikov © URA.RU

The United States of America will soon destroy itself, as evidenced by the five signs of the collapse of the state. An article regarding this was published by The Washington Times.

“Signs of an impending collapse 1. The ruling class has ceased to limit the number of migrants from other countries. 2. Crimes go unpunished. 3. Elites ridicule the basic values ​​of humanity,” the article says.

The fourth sign is demographic problems. In last place – “support for the barbarians at hand.”

Thus, according to the author of the article, a huge number of homeless people, many of whom use drugs and have mental illness, pose a particular danger. And also – the decision of some couples not to have children.

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The United States of America will soon destroy itself, as evidenced by the five signs of the collapse of the state. An article regarding this was published by The Washington Times. “Signs of an impending collapse 1. The ruling class has ceased to limit the number of migrants from other countries. 2. Crimes go unpunished. 3. Elites ridicule the basic values ​​of humanity,” the article says. The fourth sign is demographic problems. In last place – “support for the barbarians at hand.” Thus, according to the author of the article, a huge number of homeless people, many of whom use drugs and have mental illness, pose a particular danger. And also – the decision of some couples not to have children.



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