The Warriors made 15 of 19 shots in the final quarter, leading 2-0 during the Kerr period, 14 wins and 1 loss in the series – yqqlm

Original title: Warriors made 15 of 19 shots in the final quarter and went 14-1 in the series when Kerr led 2-0

On May 21, 2022, Beijing time, the Western Conference finals G2 Warriors reversed the Lone Ranger, leading 2-0 in the series.

In the final quarter of the game, the Warriors broke out collectively. The team made 15 of 19 shots and scored 43 points with a shooting rate of 78.9%. The Warriors outscored the Mavericks by 23 points 68-45 in the second half.

According to statistics, the Warriors have gone 14-1 in the series with a 2-0 lead since Steve Kerr took over, and the only time they lost a series was in the 2016 Finals.

The Warriors are 22-7 in the Western Conference finals since the 2014-15 season. (Editor: Sheng Zhe)Return to Sohu, see more


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posted on:Beijing

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