The war between Lactalis and the peasant confederation has found a new front

The war between Lactalis and the peasant confederation has found a new front

2024-02-29 17:51:37

After invading the Lactalis headquarters in Laval on February 21, activists from the Confédération paysanne did it once more on Tuesday. But this time at the stand in Hall 1 of the Agricultural Show. A spectacular action with “a bit of scuffles but that’s normal”, tempers Stéphane Galais, national secretary in charge of breeding and based near Dol-de-Bretagne in the north of Ille-et-Vilaine.

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This action is ultimately only the opening of a new front in the conflict between the Conf’, rather on the left, and the dairy giant. Moreover, the latter had considered the possibility of canceling his visit, as Carrefour did two weeks before the opening of the Show.

“Total contempt”

The conflict has gained momentum while Lactalis is in the process of negotiating the price of milk with the producers’ organization Unell. “Initially, they offered us 405 euros for 1,000 liters, we asked for 440 euros to cover the cost of production, which does not even include the breeder’s salary,” complains Stéphane Galais. Lactalis subsequently offered 420 euros, but that was not enough to calm things down.

“It is a total contempt for peasants and their suffering,” denounces the Breton breeder. Because for the Conf’, the world number 1 in dairy products is the symbol of agro-industry, “predatory of added value to the detriment of farmers”, accuses Stéphane Galais. And the action at the Salon aimed precisely at ensuring that “Lactalis takes its responsibilities on the issue of farmers’ income”, which the union has made its main focus.

Our file on the Agricultural Show

For its part, Lactalis, which only speaks in a press release, wishes to achieve “a satisfactory solution to find a fair balance on the price of milk, which will allow us to continue to promote the work of producers while offering consumers products French dairy products at an affordable price. But as long as the “balance” is not found, the Conf “does not refrain from starting once more”.

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