The voices of those who are on the front line of the tragedy in the Unión neighborhood in Petare

  • The lives of several people in the El Bambú sector changed in the early hours of August 12, when the explosion of a gas cylinder affected a three-story house and left 12 dead | Photos: Adrián Salazar

Zulma can’t hold back her tears. It’s the third day of work to remove debris from the collapse of the a three-story house in the El Bambú sector from the Union neighborhood of Petare, in Miranda state.

The machinery that is on site removes the belongings of those who lived there and it is the neighbors who give emotional meaning to those objects covered in mud and dust. There is almost nothing left. They have taken everything, but there are still things that stir up that sea of ​​emotions clouded by sadness. Zulma found a cap of the Navegantes del Magallanes, it belonged to her neighbor and friend Elías, who died from the explosion and subsequent collapse on Monday, August 12.

The explosion of a domestic gas cylinder took with it several beloved neighbors from the community. Elías was dedicated to selling empanadas and that was the reason why he turned on the stove at 4:48 am on Monday. Zulma, as she is known in the community, breaks her voice just thinking that a few days ago she spoke with Elías about the idea of ​​celebrating her husband’s birthday.

Photo: Adrian Salazar

On that occasion, they planned to meet, as they did every year. “I was joking, ‘Elias, remember that this month is Ale’s birthday. Let’s agree on what to do,’” Zulma told him. Her neighbor promised to be there that day, but of that promise only the memory and the certainty of how life can change in an instant remain.

Zulma, being the street boss, is aware of the situation of the survivors and their families every day. Many people come and go from her house. The door has never been closed since the day of the tragedy. Bags go out and others come in, among donations of clothing and supplies for the affected people who, for her, are also great friends.

This is how Zulma deals with the pain of the losses in the community. She says that, like many people, she has not been able to sleep. Every time she tries to fall asleep, memories of the moment of the collapse invade her. The proximity of the event makes her thoughts repeat themselves in her mind over and over again. When she closes her eyes, she hears the sounds again and sees the images of what happened. She has made a shell out of this situation that she only lets slip when, for just a few minutes, she begins to cry.

“It is very sad to see that a person who greeted you every day with a good morning is no longer here. They went out and shared with the community. They were well-known. Now many of them are no longer here,” Zulma said in an interview for The Diary.

An indescribable force

Fanny Aponte, a community leader in the Unión neighborhood, says she doesn’t know how she found the strength to lift debris and doors. She was one of the first to go to the site of the explosion to take out the first injured and led the rescue of the neighbors. She attributes her action to God at all times.

When the explosion occurred, Fanny says that the structure did not collapse completely. The building weakened little by little, which allowed several people and six children who were on the top floor of the house to be rescued. Rescuers also made efforts to rescue the sides of the house next door, whose walls also collapsed due to the impact of the blast wave. This is how they saved Gabriela, the mother of the five-day-old twins.

Fanny says that her husband managed to get her out of the bathroom, but when he returned to get the babies, the house collapsed and the man was unable to get out. The couple had returned from Chile a year ago and had been together for 15 years. They had both tried to conceive, but it was not possible until they returned to Venezuela.

“It is a huge pain. The children’s grandmother lost her only son and the joy of having two babies at the same time. Gabriela had to have her birth brought forward because she became ill and the babies were born at 32 weeks. Despite that, they were fine and now this tragedy has happened. It is shocking,” said Fanny.

But in the face of adversity, there was unity and social commitment from the neighbors. She says that her husband made his truck available to transport the injured. Everything was done quickly because every minute counted. In total, there were six families living divided into three floors and, according to testimonies, everyone on the top floor was unharmed, three people were rescued on the second floor and one person on the ground floor survived.

As of August 16, the date on which this note was published, 12 people had died and 3 were injured, all of whom remained hospitalized.

Fanny and Zulma are some of the most visible faces working to ensure that the tragedy does not claim other victims. But behind them there are many residents. They all agree that although control is not in their hands, they will continue to coordinate resources and provide emotional and material support to ensure that each neighbor has what they need to face these difficult times. Through their efforts, they will inspire others to join together and help the community remain strong and united.

Union without distinction

Community unity has been the strength and support for the affected families. From the very beginning, neighbors organized to support those who lost everything. Temporary shelters, food and clothing were offered to those left homeless, but there is still much to be done.

Fanny has accompanied those who have been devastated by the tragedy, helping them to cope with the loss of their loved ones. She firmly says that no one is alone in this process and that the entire community is united to overcome this situation. She assures that, although the pain is great, the mutual help and support that everyone gives each other, without any distinction or political color, is vital.

Photo: Adrian Salazar

The community leaders acknowledge and value the support of the authorities in the arrangements related to the burial of the deceased. They also appreciate the unity that has emerged in recent days, with people from all sectors joining together to offer help.

There is widespread support. Citizens and organizations have provided essential donations that have reached the affected families. These include food, water and other supplies.

For the residents of the El Bambú sector, maintaining their social commitment after a tragedy of such magnitude is their only option. They have not rested, and every day they see that empty plot of land they feel a deep sorrow. They say they will not be able to rest until the families of the injured can hug their loved ones again. Until that happens, they will remain steadfast, because they believe that miracles are possible.

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2024-08-17 00:41:09



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