Millions of people around the world suffer from poor circulation, also known as malperfusion, which according to specialists occurs when blood flow to a specific part of the body is reduced.
However, they clarify that it is not a disease, but the result of other factors such as when a person’s leg falls asleep following sitting for a long time and in some cases it can be life-threatening, such as a blood clot.
In any case, the recommendation is to be attentive to the signals that the body gives so that in case of any abnormality, go immediately to the doctor.
Because poor circulation is produced by different circumstances, the symptoms are also different, that’s why It is important that you see a specialist for proper treatment.
The most common symptoms are:
– Tingling and numbness: These symptoms occur essentially in extremities, such as fingers, toes, and hands. It occurs because something restricts blood flow, which means that blood cannot reach the extremities in sufficient amounts, causing a numb or prickly feeling.
– Muscle cramps: It occurs, particularly, when the oxygen carried in the blood does not reach the muscle tissues efficiently, which can cause stiffness and cramps in the muscles.
– Swelling: Poor circulation can lead to fluid buildup in the legs and feet, called “edema” and occurs when blood that is not circulating pools in clumps, creating pressure and forcing fluid out of the blood vessels. towards the surrounding tissues.
In this case, it can even lead to heart failure, since the heart is unable to circulate the adequate supply of blood necessary to keep the body functioning.
Causes of poor circulation
One of the causes of cramps, swelling or varicose veins are sudden changes in temperature, since elasticity is lost in the veins.which generates a loss of strength to push the liquid well, so that in the end, due to the force of gravity, it accumulates in our legs, causing the aforementioned discomfort.
But also, specialists have warned that this situation might be related to genetics, high cholesterol, obesity, pregnancy or bad habits such as smoking, eating poorly and not exercising.
To counter this situation, experts recommend maintaining healthy habits, such as avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, not crossing your legs for a long time, trying to stand for a short time or wearing compression stockings, which are designed to help prevent the appearance of venous disorders such as edema, phlebitis and thrombosis, and protect them once morest further progression thereof.
The pharmacist Rocío Escalante said that other measures can be taken to control this situation such as “avoiding direct heat (sun, UV rays or hot wax) and it is advisable to put your legs up.”
“Today there are products that help us alleviate discomfort and improve circulation: food supplements, gels and sprays that offer immediate relief, pills to promote circulation or massages, which must be ascending from the ankles, to promote venous return.
Another alternative that promotes good circulation is a diet with a high vitamin content. as pointed out by the pharmacist and nutrition expert from KilosOut, Nela Berlanga.
He explained that these foods include garlic, which has a great anticoagulant effect, lemon, which improves elasticity, black grapes, and blueberries, which also help improve vein tone due to their antioxidants and vitamin C.
“Walnuts, thanks to the omega-3, are anti-inflammatory and also contain vitamin B3 that promotes circulation,” He pointed out following indicating that species so rich in properties such as turmeric or horsetail will also help us.
Finally, he pointed out that “ginger, along with chilies (chili peppers), contain capsaicin that promote blood flow and control heart activity.
Physical activity can also help improve cardiovascular health by increasing heart rate without requiring demanding or strenuous effort.
– Hydration: Experts have warned that when the body is dehydrated, the blood retains sodium, making it thick and making it difficult for it to circulate through the body. That is why they recommend drinking between 11 and 16 glasses of water a day.
– Diet: Include heart-healthy foods in your daily diet, such as green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and fatty fish.
– get up every 2 hours and take a walk of at least 5 minutes, either to go to the bathroom or to drink a glass of water.
– Place a high pillow to keep the feet higher than the rest of the body.
In addition, those who know the subject indicate that to take advantage of all the benefits of the remedies, you can take two infusions a day, following lunch and dinner.
Thus, these are the most popular natural preparations to contribute to the health of the legs, mainly to the correct circulation:
– Black currant: It is a plant that is also known as casis. It is characterized by fighting inflammation and serves as a diuretic, in addition the infusion can be prepared with its leaves, buds and fruits.
– Centella asiatica: “Its extracts are used with saponins, which help reduce symptoms such as inflammation, edema, itching and cramps,” according to Saber Vivir. It is recommended not to exceed 1,000 mg of intake of this herb per day.
This plant helps regulate saliva secretions and decreases the growth of bacteria on the teeth and gums.
– Rusco: The magazine of good habits Mejor con salud states that it is a venous tonic, which means that its main action is on the veins. It is an inflammatory and relieves legs with symptoms of fatigue.
– Bitter orange: Finally, bitter orange is also good for the health of the lower extremities because the well-known orange blossoms help combat “the fragility of the capillaries, varicose veins and ankle swelling.”