The village of Kpeketo: An example of social cohesion and living together –

BANGUI, Central African Republic, August 26, 2024 /African Media Agency (AMA)/- Since 2022, thanks to the support of MINUSCA and the NGO Femme en Danger, the inhabitants of Kpeketo, particularly the Akka pygmies, have transformed their daily lives through income-generating activities. Agro-pastoral and small businesses have provided new perspectives and strengthened social cohesion. Today, 800 women from 6 villages benefit from microcredits for projects for their empowerment. The initiative helps fight discrimination and has led to concrete achievements such as the construction of a drinking water fountain in patage.

In total, 800 women from 6 villages were targeted, at a rate of 150 women per village, to benefit directly from this project financed by MINUSCA for an amount of more than 16 million FCFA.

“In 2022, thanks to the funds received from MINUSCA, we distributed the money among the women in the form of credit. We offer them credit with an interest rate of 10%. As they repay this credit, we reinvest the interest in new loans for other women. This support has allowed them to become independent,” explained Hélène Zingazo, National President of the association Femmes en Danger.

This project helped transform discriminatory perceptions and behaviors toward the Akka Pygmy community and minority populations in surrounding villages. Today, the Pygmies are integrated as an essential part of the community and play a key role in local development. The drinking water fountain, built and handed over by MINUSCA on December 15, 2022, shared between the communities, is an example of a community project promoting living together.

Thanks to this project, the head of the Akka community and chief of the village of Kpeketo 1, Édouard Mboupama, bought a motorcycle to help transport the community in case of emergency illness and childbirth. “I am a fulfilled man today. Thanks to the pig donation made by MINUSCA, I was able to raise them and resell them. With the profit, I bought a motorcycle. This helps transport my community to the hospital and also makes my travel easier,” he testified.

The microcredits granted to members of the association Femmes en Danger have enabled the beneficiaries to launch income-generating activities. Huguette Dik, president of the association Femmes en Danger for the branch of the village of Kpeketo, establishes a satisfactory assessment of the management of microcredits which bring in 10% to the association.

“Previously, each person contributed 100 francs for our loan project. For five years, progress was slow. It was only in the sixth year that MINUSCA supported the association “Femmes en Danger” with an envelope of more than one million CFA francs. This support was crucial for our group, allowing us to become independent and finance our children’s schooling,” she said.

This support from MINUSCA has helped improve the living conditions of the entire population. Some beneficiaries have been able, for example, to buy land and build houses for their families, while others have been able to ensure the schooling of their children.

Distributed by African Media Agency for the MINUSCA

Source : African Media Agency (AMA)

2024-08-26 08:49:31
#village #Kpeketo #social #cohesion #living #



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