The Vienna Medical Association mourns the loss of the long-standing head of the Vienna professional rescue service, Dr. Alfred Kaff

2024-01-11 18:05:05

Vienna (OTS) – On Wednesday, January 10, 2024, the renowned emergency doctor Alfred Kaff died at the age of 78 after a long illness. Medical Association President Johannes Steinhart expresses his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved.****

Kaff made a name for himself as the long-time head of the Vienna professional rescue service and as such was an extremely important cooperation partner and supporter of the medical radio service. The presidential advisor and former president of the Medical Association for Vienna, Thomas Szekeres, says goodbye to his former companion: “Alfred Kaff massively promoted Vienna’s emergency medical system; he was one of the most important emergency physicians that this city has ever had. He set national standards in emergency medicine and was able to draw on a wealth of experience from difficult operations. For the Vienna Medical Association, the medical radio service and also for me personally, he was a very valued colleague, both professionally and personally. His high social skills were known across many disciplines. I will miss him. My deepest condolences go out to the family.”

After studying medicine, in 1985 Kaff took over the position of chief physician of the rescue and patient transport service of the city of Vienna, today’s Vienna professional rescue service. He held this position until 2010 before, despite his retirement, he became involved as a doctor for the important musical institutions Vienna Philharmonic, Federal Theater and Vienna Konzerthaus.

Questions & Contact:

Medical Association for Vienna
Benjamin Weiser, MA

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