The video goes viral: Foreign students come to China and give free pocket money | Mexico | Scholarships | Ministry of Education of the Communist Party of China

The scandal that the CCP authorities provided high scholarships to foreign students has once again attracted the attention of public opinion recently. (Video screenshot)

[The Epoch Times, April 09, 2023](Comprehensive report by Epoch Times reporter Li Jing) Recently, the scandal of the CCP authorities providing high scholarships to foreign students has once again attracted the attention of public opinion. A video recorded a student from Mexico studying in China who gave up his idea of ​​studying in the United States and traveled thousands of miles to China. The main reason is that the super-national treatment offered by the CCP authorities is very attractive.

The video shows that when a Hong Kong university student was visiting Xi’an Jiaotong University, he met a foreign student who was of mixed race from Mexico. The international student said that he originally wanted to study in the United States, but the tuition fees there were too expensive, so he came to China.

Hong Kong university students were puzzled, so they asked: Isn’t it also expensive to study in an international school? What the Mexican student said made him feel incredible.

The Mexican international student told him that Xi’an Jiaotong University is completely free, and also provides pocket money to international students every month, at least 500 yuan a month, and some international students can get 5,000 yuan a month if there are more students.

Mexican students said that it is very easy to think of Xi’an Jiaotong University, they only need to pass the Chinese Level 4 and have a priority for international students.

Afterwards, the two visited the dormitories provided by Xi’an Jiaotong University for international students. The video shows that although the single rooms these foreign students live in are small in size, they are fully equipped. In contrast, the dormitories of college students in China are generally shared by multiple people.

This video caused heated discussion and dissatisfaction among netizens.

Some netizens commented: “Strongly demand the abolition of super-national treatment for foreigners studying in China.” “The United Nations still relies on foreign guests to vote, how to cancel it?” A group of hooligans came out to support, and this is the real reason for the huge amount of foreign aid.”

On April 6, NetEase’s public account “Weiguangnian” published an article titled “Foreign students in Xi’an Jiaotong University can receive pocket money up to 5,000 yuan per month, shocking Chinese people.” The article expressed indignation: “Where is this? Studying, this is for an ancestor. This 5,000 yuan is equivalent to a month’s salary of a migrant worker in many cities. Others can only earn more than 5,000 yuan a month after working hard. But when people come to study, they can get 5000 yuan. Chido, this is really outrageous.”

“It seems that this Mexican student really took China as a big advantage. He couldn’t afford to go to the United States, so he came to China to grab his wool. These schools don’t know what to think, and they strongly support and welcome these foreign students. Others It would be strange not to take them for granted.”

The article believes, “They hold Chinese money, live in Chinese houses, and use Chinese things. These resources could have been provided to domestic students, but they were taken up by foreigners. Giving such good preferential treatment to others, It’s unreasonable to be so cruel to one’s own people.”

“These universities should put away the practice of adoring foreigners. This is because they look down on themselves. No wonder foreigners look down on Chinese universities, as if begging others to go. How can others think highly of these universities.”

The article questioned, “Foreigners are now studying, working, and living in China. China not only provides them with employment opportunities, but also provides them with such a good study environment. These are enough, and they are also allowed to study for free. Chinese people do not Is it appropriate that the benefits you enjoy are taken away by a group of foreigners?”

(Screenshot of the website on April 8, 2023)

Xi’an Municipal Government Subsidizes Foreign Students with “Clearly Marked Prices”

On April 8, a reporter from The Epoch Times searched the website of the School of International Education of Xi’an Jiaotong University and found that the Xi’an Municipal Government has specially set up the “Belt and Road” Scholarship for International Students. This scholarship program aims to provide tuition discounts for foreign students.

The categories of officially funded scholarships include: undergraduate students, master students, doctoral students, and one-year non-degree advanced students.

Funding content: 15,000 yuan/year for undergraduates; 20,000 yuan/year for master’s degree students; 25,000 yuan/year for doctoral students; 1,000 yuan/month for non-degree advanced students for more than six months.

In addition, Xi’an Jiaotong University also exempts tuition fees for master and doctoral students of this scholarship. 100%, 50% or 30% tuition fee waiver for undergraduate students.

(Screenshot of the website of Xi’an Jiaotong University School of International Education on April 8, 2023)

The condition for Xi’an Jiaotong University to apply for scholarships is that foreign students must have the nationality of countries along the “Belt and Road”.

Although the homeland of the Mexican students mentioned in the above video is not the country of the “Belt and Road Initiative” initiated by the CCP, according to the report of the CCP’s official media in 2020, the “Belt and Road Initiative” is constantly expanding in Latin America, and in Mexico and Brazil where no cooperation documents have been signed. Among the five countries, Argentina, Colombia and the Bahamas, the “Belt and Road” has also made substantial progress.

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(Screenshot of the website on April 8, 2023)

The CCP foreign aid scholarship reaches nearly 100,000 yuan per person

According to the “Study in China Plan” issued by the Ministry of Education of the Communist Party of China in 2010, by 2020, the number of foreign students studying in mainland universities and primary and secondary schools will reach 500,000 person-times, of which 150,000 international students will receive higher education. “Become Asia’s largest destination country for studying abroad”.

According to official data from the Ministry of Education of the Communist Party of China, a total of 489,200 foreign students studied in Chinese institutions of higher learning in 2017, and various types of foreign students studied in 935 institutions of higher learning in 31 provinces and cities across the country. From the perspective of student sources, China is already the largest destination country for studying abroad in Asia.

The condition that can attract international students to China is the high scholarships that the CCP officially provides with a wide range of coverage. Due to the continuous increase in the amount of scholarships, the number of foreign students coming to China has also increased year after year.

On the official website of the Ministry of Education of the Communist Party of China, a reporter from The Epoch Times noticed that the general public budget expenditure table of the Ministry of Education’s 2018 Departmental Budget officially released on April 13, 2018 showed that the 2018 budget for the education of international students in China exceeded 3.3 billion Yuan Renminbi.

On April 13, 2018, the official website of the Ministry of Education of the Communist Party of China released the “2018 Departmental Budget of the Ministry of Education”. (webpage Screenshot)

There are at least 10 government scholarships that foreign students can apply for. Scholarship funding includes: (1) Tuition fees: scholarship students are exempted from paying tuition fees; (2) Accommodation fees: scholarship students are exempted from paying accommodation fees or given accommodation subsidies; (3) Living expenses: basic living subsidies are given to scholarship students; ( 4) Comprehensive medical insurance fee: purchase comprehensive medical insurance for scholarship students; (5) International travel expenses: provide international round-trip air tickets for scholarship students who are provided by us for international travel expenses in accordance with the agreement.

On January 14, 2015, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education of the Communist Party of China jointly issued a notice stating that the maximum subsidy amount for government scholarships for foreign students is 99,800 yuan. (webpage Screenshot)

In July 2020, published an article “How to spend scholarships for international students in China: 82% are used for tourism and high-end consumption”. The article mentioned that Mr. Tu had an article titled “Analysis on Management Optimization of Scholarships for International Students in China” ——Taking Mongolian students studying in Han as an example” paper, taking seven Mongolian universities in Wuhan (Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Huazhong Normal University, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan University of Technology, Zhongnan Economics and Law Mongolian students studying in universities) were the subjects of the survey. The results show that 82% of scholarships are used for high-end consumer goods and tourism, and only 18% of scholarships are used for study and life.

In recent years, in order to expand the CCP’s international influence, the Ministry of Education’s special treatment of foreign students studying in China has caused widespread dissatisfaction in the society. Foreign students enjoy many privileges in Chinese universities, such as full scholarships, including Xi’an Jiaotong University, Peking University, Central Academy of Fine Arts and other universities; in addition, there are “student buddies”, that is, the school provides foreign students with Chinese students of the opposite sex on campus. special treatment.

In July 2019, after the media exposed the scandal of Shandong University assigning “student buddies” to foreign students, it was criticized by the public. In fact, as early as 2004, the “New Weekly” disclosed that the senior management of Nanjing Normal University’s Conservatory of Music issued “accompaniment tasks” to the school girls, forcing 10 girls to suspend class to accompany their superiors to sing and dance. According to the revelations, the CCP’s education department may have implemented the “accompanying students” project in colleges and universities earlier.

Editor in charge: Sun Yun #

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