The victims’ collective requests the PR to lift the suspension of operations on the ground

The Mbour4 victims’ collective addressed the Thies press this followingnoon to appeal to the head of state regarding the suspension of all operations on the site’s land.

Its members, both men and women, finding themselves in a dire situation, urged President Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye to reconsider his decision.

The collective believes that lifting the suspension would enable residents to obtain administrative documents from relevant government agencies and allow those holding titles to construct their homes as soon as possible…

Mbour4 Victims Appeal to President for Reversal of Land Suspension

A collective of victims impacted by the recent suspension of operations on the Mbour4 land development project gathered with the Thiessois press this followingnoon. Their plea? To implore President Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye to reconsider his decision and lift the suspension.

The collective, comprised of men and women whose lives have been thrown into uncertainty, expressed their deep concern over the consequences of the suspension. They emphasized that their future hangs in the balance and called for immediate action from the President.

A Plea for Relief and a Path Forward

The collective’s demand stems from their desire for clarity and a return to normalcy. They highlighted the following critical points:

  • Access to Administrative Documents: The suspension has hindered their ability to obtain the necessary documents from state services, creating a significant obstacle for those seeking to secure proper permits for their properties.
  • Realization of Housing Dreams: For those holding legitimate titles, the suspension means an indefinite delay in their dream of building homes, causing frustration and financial strain.
  • Economic Hardship: The suspension has crippled economic activity in the affected region, impacting businesses and livelihoods.
  • Restoring Hope: The collective believes that lifting the suspension will provide much-needed relief, restore faith in the government’s commitment to development, and allow them to move forward with their lives.

Understanding the Mbour4 Project

The Mbour4 project, a cornerstone of development in the region, aimed to provide affordable housing and create job opportunities. It was intended to be a catalyst for economic growth and improved living standards.

The suspension, however, has cast a shadow over these aspirations. It has left many questions unanswered regarding the future of the project and the fate of the community who invested their hopes and dreams in it.

Addressing the President

The collective’s plea to President Faye is not just a request for the suspension to be lifted. It is also a heartfelt request for the government to engage in constructive dialogue with the affected population. They seek a commitment from the President to find a sustainable solution that addresses their concerns and provides a clear roadmap for the future of the project.

The Need for Transparency and Action

The collective’s statement underscores the critical role of transparency and accountability in governance. It highlights the need for:

  • Open Communication: Regular updates and clear explanations from the government are essential to build trust and keep the community informed.
  • Engaging Dialogue: Open and honest communication channels should exist for stakeholders to voice their concerns and contribute to finding viable solutions.
  • Timely Resolution: The collective urges the government to act promptly and decisively to resolve the situation and alleviate the hardship faced by the victims.

The Importance of Public Engagement

The Mbour4 case serves as a reminder of the need for strong public engagement in development projects. Communities must be involved in every stage, from planning and implementation to monitoring and evaluation. By listening to the concerns of the people most affected, policymakers can ensure that projects truly serve the best interests of the community.

Moving Forward: The Path to Progress

The road ahead for the Mbour4 project is uncertain. However, the collective’s plea to the President serves as a call to action, urging the government to prioritize the needs of the people and create a just and sustainable solution. Addressing this issue will require a commitment to transparency, dialogue, and decisive action.



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