The veterinary service calls for the abandonment of chaining animals

This year, VMVT sends an important message to the public – “Reach out your hand, not a chain!”. With this slogan, animal welfare specialists hope to draw the attention of that part of the society that still considers the animal as an insensitive object. Such an archaic attitude, which is still prevalent, can often condemn the animal to suffering or even death.

Why “Reach out your hand, not a chain!”?

Unfortunately, there are still cases in Lithuania, when mostly dogs, famously named man’s best friends, are kept tied to the house with short chains that are difficult to lift. An animal kept in this way usually does not have the opportunity to hide from the heat of the sun, bad weather conditions. Some owners do not even provide collars for their pets. The cold metal chains rub the neck and even grow into the skin.

In the last few years, the specialists of VMVT recorded at least six extremely painful cases, when dogs were found already exhausted, unable to move because of the chains wrapped around fences or trees. Some were left tied to fences, with chains wrapped around the stanchions instead. In several cases, the animals had to be euthanized due to the extremely bad condition of the animals. This year, the inspector was also shocked by a case in one of Klaipėda district’s homesteads, when two dogs were found tied to the hut with a very short chain, one of them was dead. Another exhausted victim managed to be taken into temporary care.

In some cases, it is enough to tighten the control of such keepers, obliging them to improve the keeping conditions of the animals, counseling and education. Inspectors usually identify the lack of basic knowledge about the animal’s needs and bad behavior from the environment as the problem of improper animal care.

VMVT raises the question to the public – why is the declared best friend of man still treated as the greatest enemy? Animal welfare specialists call for more active talk about the animal as a sentient being that feels pain, hunger, cold – so that the message reaches those who lack such understanding.

To spread and raise the problem more widely: VMVT has also prepared a social video clip, which calls for a change of attitude – chains should be used to bind things, but not animals. VMVT encourages the public to discuss, actively participate in events and at the same time help spread the message: “Reach out your hand, not a chain”!

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