The very innovative support of Trèfle adventure

2023-12-19 19:41:05

These two colleagues working at Apec (Association for Executive Employment), passionate regarding people and motivated by the idea of ​​giving meaning and a place to everyone, decided to create Trèfle Aventure in 2020, at the heart of the multimedia city of Pau. They operate in Béarn, the Basque Country, Landes, Tarn and Bigorre, with individuals (orientation and skills assessments, personal development workshops, etc.), as well as companies (professional coaching, outplacement, recruitment , collective facilitation).

“I have always wanted to be my own boss and support people at all ages of life. The health, ecological and political crises that our world is currently going through and the upheaval in relationships between work and private life are leading some people to question their way of life. Young people are searching for meaning and struggling to find answers, employees no longer find themselves in their work, while being afraid of leaving it…”presents François Lamy.

Indeed, according to a recent survey by New Professional Life, 9 out of 10 French people want to change their life or career, 28% of them have started, but 64% admit to not having yet taken the plunge! Companies must also constantly adapt to defend their added value, welcome, retain and promote their talents.

Trèfle Aventure is developing a tailor-made offer, certified Qualiopi. More than just personal development coaching or a skills assessment, this small company offers a real introspective journey and uses scientific tools, inspired by the work of experts such as Carl Gustav Jung, John Henry Holland or even Laurent Schwartz, experiential and educational (Explorama, Ikigaï, golden triangle, etc.), creative and fun (photolanguage, projective drawing, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, etc.).

“I have had the chance to travel a lot during my life and I find that finding your way is one of the most important and exciting challenges. We therefore integrated it into the DNA of Trèfle Aventure. Our logo is a four-leaf clover. It is a parallel with what the person must find at home: their added value, what makes them unique and their singular vocation in society”specifies the co-founder.

Each of the petals symbolizes a step to take: the necessary introspection, to find one’s inner compass and the keys to reading specific to each person; the exploration of the world map, in order to establish a professional or personal path that allows one to align one’s body, soul and spirit; consolidating your project by making an inventory of the resources already acquired and seeing if they need to be reinforced through training; and the crucial discernment to arrive at a destination, which will offer more meaning and well-being, by measuring the advantages, the risks and the things to put in place on a daily basis to achieve this.

“We can support all profiles, even if we currently receive a lot of people between 40 and 45 years old, mostly women (60%), retraining to find meaning in their lives or a balance between professional and personal life . We can also support young or future retirees in this change of life, which can be quite distressing if we are not prepared. These are generally people who refuse to fit into the boxes predetermined by society”he says.

#innovative #support #Trèfle #adventure



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