the verdict of the appeal trial of opponent Paul Rusesabagina known on Monday

Paul Rusesabagina in Kigali court, February 26, 2021.

© AP – Muhizi Olivier
Paul Rusesabagina in Kigali court, February 26, 2021.

In Rwanda, could the prison sentence of opponent Paul Rusesabagina be increased? The judges must deliver their verdict on Monday in the appeal trial of the former manager of the Hotel des Milles Collines, known for having been a Righteous during the genocide of the Tutsis.

With our correspondent in Kigali, Laure Broulard

In September 2021, Paul Rusesabagina had been found guilty of eight counts, against nine required, for his activities within the opposition platform MRCD, whose armed wing, the FLN, claimed responsibility for attacks in Rwanda in 2018 and 2019. The former manager of the Hotel des Milles Collines had been sentenced to 25 years in prison. But the Rwandan prosecutor’s office then appealed and requested, as in the first instance, life imprisonment.

For his part, the opponent has always denied any responsibility, claiming to have had a strictly diplomatic role within the movement. He did not appeal and boycotted the entire procedure. From the beginning, his relatives have constantly denounced a travesty of justice intended to oust an opponent of Paul Kagame.

Today, Paul Rusesabagina is not the only one at risk of having his sentence increased. The prosecution also appealed the verdicts against his co-defendants in this major FLN trial. Like that of Callixte Nsabimana, former spokesperson for the rebel group, sentenced to 20 years in prison at first instance. Several victims of the attacks have also appealed in this case, they are asking for compensation.

► To read also: Rwanda: from Hollywood hero to prisoner accused of terrorism, the fall of Paul Rusesabagina

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