The vegetable that fights inflammation and protects memory

The vegetable that fights inflammation and protects memory

With the passage of years and normal aging, the memory of the elderly fades.

However, there is a vegetable that grows along the streams of Japan’s mountain valleys that protects memory while also fighting inflammation.

The reason for wasabi (wasabi) which has a similar taste to hot mustard and stimulates the nose more than the mouth.

The green vegetable, which is consumed as a condiment, usually accompanies sushi.

As a relevant study published in the scientific journal Nutrients showed, the vegetable with a spicy taste can protect short-term and long-term memory in old age, that is, after 60.

A team of researchers, led by associate professor at Tohoku University’s Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Rui Nouchi found that this particular vegetable reduces inflammation and shields memory.

Scientists believe that the vegetable’s beneficial effects are due to its active substance, 6-MSITC, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound.

The study involved 72 Japanese volunteers aged 60-80, who were divided into two groups. One group received a wasabi tablet (with 0.8 milligrams of the compound 6-MSITC) every night before bed for 12 weeks, while the other group received a placebo.

Before and after completing the study, the participants were given various tests to assess their mental skills. People with diseases affecting cognitive health, mental disorders, memory problems, taking certain medications or abusing alcohol were excluded from the sample.

The wasabi-supplemented volunteers performed better on the face-name association test, which involves memory.

The researchers believe that thanks to the vegetable’s 6-MSITC, inflammation and oxidant levels are reduced in the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory.

However, no changes were observed in cognitive ability either. In contrast, the second group, which received the placebo, did not make any progress.

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