The Value of Human Life: Contrasting Sympathy for Titanic Passengers and Mediterranean Refugees

2023-06-24 15:08:00

One accusation is making the rounds: There is more sympathy for the Titan passengers who died than for the drowned refugees in the Mediterranean. But the comparison goes nowhere.

Why do we have more sympathy for billionaires on a lost sub than for refugees on a capsized fishing trawler? That accusatory question was asked all over social media this week.

Here the adventurous, looking for the wreck of the Titanic, there the desperate, looking for a better life. Here a rescue mission worth millions, live ticker and feverish sympathy, there a coast guard acting erratically, soberly reported numbers and shrugging of the shoulders. The bitter conclusion is that the lives of five rich people are worth more to us than those of 500 poor people.

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