The “vaccine” against bronchiolitis in babies: what you need to know

2023-10-23 17:00:00

A new means of prevention once morest infectious bronchiolitis in infants has been available since the start of the school year. This treatment called nirsivamab (or Beyfortus®) replaces the palivizumab (marketed under the name Synagis®), another preventive treatment which required 5 injections (instead of one for Beyfortus®) and only reserved for premature infants or those suffering from cardiac or respiratory anomalies.

Nirsevimab (Beyfortus®): a preventive treatment and not a “vaccine”

Since September 15, 2023a new drug, nirsevimab (Beyfortus®), is available as a preventive treatment to reduce the risk of infection in Respiratory Syncytial Virus or VRSresponsible for the infectious bronchiolitis in newbornsin more than 8 out of 10 cases.

Developped by AstraZeneca et Sanofi, the nirsevimuab received authorization to l’European Medicines Agency one year before its launch on the market (i.e. in September 2022).

This treatment is not a vaccine since it is not intended to transmit the virus providing immunity. This is a monoclonal antibodydesigned to bind to the fusion protein on the surface of the virus.

What is bronchiolitis?

Bronchiolitis is a respiratory infection of the bronchioles (branches of the bronchi) caused by a very widespread and very contagious respiratory virus: the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). This seasonal epidemic generally begins in mid-October and ends at the end of winter with a peak during the month of December. The disease heals spontaneously following 8 to 10 days. There is no specific treatment.

At what age should you immunize your baby?

Immunization is recommended for all infants under 6 months before the epidemic season which runs from September to April and for any newborn born during this period. Infants under 1 month of age are considered priority.

Nirsevimab protects newborns and infants within a few days following injection and for at least 5 months (unlike the old treatment, palivizumab, which provided protection for only 1 month for the most fragile babies).

Nirsevimab (Beyfortus®): How effective?

According to a first study from 2022, nirsevimab would reduce the risk of RSV infection to 74.5% compared to placebo in infants born between 29 and 35 weeks gestational age.

The need for hospitalization is 4 times lower and, among those hospitalized, the need for oxygen supplementation is half as much.

Only patients in the placebo group had to be treated in intensive care. However, the treatment had no effect on mortality (source 1).

What are the possible side effects?

The Health Insurance website reports some adverse effects of Beyfortus® as :

  • A rash ;
  • A reaction at the injection site (redness, swelling et pain) ;
  • From fever.

These undesirable effects are uncommon. They may appear up to a few days following the injection. In the majority of cases, they are of mild or moderate intensity and short duration.

Pharmacies, maternity wards, hospitals: where to find this medicine?

According to the Health Insurance website, it is expected that:

  • Starting September 2023, infants weighing less than 5 kg can receive treatment at dosage de 50 mgonly in maternity wards or to hospitals following birth;
  • In pharmacyon prescription from the doctor or midwife, doses de 100 mgintended to protect the children born from February 6, 2023 and weighing 5 kg or morecan be ordered from November 2023.

Parents come to order Beyfortus® directly from the pharmacy where it is important 3 to 6 working days for delivery. The product must be stored in the refrigerator and once out, protected from light et administered within 8 hours by the parents themselves (the pharmacist is not authorized to perform the injection).

What is the price of this new means of prevention? What support ?

The price of Beyfortus® is 3,57 euros TTC with a 100% covered by Social Security without upfront costs for patients.

How to avoid getting bronchiolitis?

It is worth remembering: the best prevention once morest infectious bronchiolitis is the application of barrier gestures:

  • Limit visits with your baby to the circle of very close and non-ill adults. Avoid family gatherings and busy places as much as possible;
  • Avoid “kisses” and the passage from arm to arm;
  • Avoid visits to young children before the age of three months;
  • Protect your child from the cold by covering it sufficiently (but not too much);
  • Ventilate the living room of your life by maintaining its temperature around 19°C .

Limit the spread

By isolating your toddler from the first symptoms of the disease. It is usually a cold associated with low-grade fever, cough, wheezing, and congestion in the airways. These signs should prompt you to consult a doctor where the pediatrician. In the event of more alarming symptoms (high fever, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, etc.), contact the emergency department directly.

#vaccine #bronchiolitis #babies



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