The V Forum of Leaders for Education was held together with the UBA and Unicef

2023-09-17 08:39:34

The important cultural event had the participation of Ministers of Education from all over the country, civil organizations, researchers and rectors of the main universities. The organization was carried out by Perfil Educación together with the University of Buenos Aires and with special guests from Unicef ​​Argentina. The event was broadcast live on Perfil’s YouTube channel and also on

Ministers, teachers, students, university rectors and intellectuals debated, from their different perspectives, the education of the present and the future, and with the closing by the president and CEO of Grupo Perfil, Jorge Fontevecchia, together with Luisa Brumana, director of Unicef ​​Argentina; Ricardo Gelpi, UBA rector; and Jaime Perczyk, Minister of Education of the Nation.

In the words of Fontevecchia: “When we started the Forum of Leaders for Education, five years ago, there was no talk of fees or vouchers; It is true that we talk regarding the issue of education, but in Argentina we talk regarding issues that did not seem to be overcome and we do not talk regarding what we think improvement would imply. We worry regarding what is missing from the agenda, regarding what is incorrectly placed on the agenda. Without failing to recognize that without a doubt, Argentina throughout these 40 years of democracy made secondary education mandatory, first, and went on to double the number of years of education and without failing to mention the importance of the public university.” .

“The education agenda is fundamental for the development of Argentina. Today more than ever it is key to have a focus on the educational agenda. The countries of this region face great challenges. There is still a central debt with childhood; Since 40 years of democracy, Argentina has never been able to reduce poverty in children’s sectors,” said Luisa Brumana, director of Unicef ​​Argentina.

“The poorest people in Argentina had regressed in an explainable way, but we must build a country where that does not happen. This requires an effort from the school, the State and society. We must defend non-tariff public education. There was a new tariff during the dictatorship. It is guaranteed with continuous financing, with political agreements on what the objective is,” warned Jaime Perzcyk, Minister of Education of the Nation.

“Being in charge of an institution like the UBA requires great responsibility and commitment. All sectors, students and teachers, have managed to modernize and adapt the curriculum. By shortening courses, we prioritize academic excellence. We also work with the productive sector. The road is not easy, both locally and globally. The world is complicated. Universal education continues to be our challenge,” remarked Ricardo Gelpi, rector of the University of Buenos Aires.

At the table of education ministers were Alberto Sileoni, from Buenos Aires; Analía Cubino from Tierra del Fuego; Walter Grahovac, from Córdoba; and José Thomas, from Mendoza.

The day included the participation of researchers and education specialists, students from pre-university schools and rectors of the country’s main universities. Nicolás Trotta, Martín Kohan and Sergio Berensztein were part of the table of intellectuals, who reflected on the current educational situation. The V Forum of Leaders for Education was sponsored by OSDE, Pan American Energy, BNA and the government of San Juan.

#Forum #Leaders #Education #held #UBA #Unicef



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