The USK is currently checking ‘all GOTY 2023’

2023-04-21 17:00:00

Is the USK currently testing Spider-Man 2 or AC Mirage?

The testers of the entertainment software self-control, USK for short, certainly do not always find it easy to put new games through their paces in advance and under strict conditions in order to then give them a fair age rating. At the same time, they also have the privilege of being able to play games well before they are released – including upcoming Game of the Year candidates.

The USK makes it exciting…

Marek Brunner, head of the USK test department, made it clear on Twitter that this is the case again. As he puts it, they’re currently reviewing several titles that seem to be so good they deserve the GOTY 2023 title:

Calm before the storm. Today felt all GOTY 2023 in the exam ????

— Marek Brunner (@Debrun2) April 20, 2023

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After this teasing, our heads started to smoke: Which games could Marek Brunner mean? And do the testers’ workplaces perhaps even provide clues? We gave it some thought, picked out a few potential Game of the Year 2023 contenders for you and now want to know what you think.

You can read here how the USK works and what has recently happened with the age rating in Germany:

Which games could the USK mean?

It’s not about which games are ultimately chosen as GOTY, but which titles according to the USK have the potential to do so. So just happily click with a maximum of three votes on what you think, which titles are currently in the exam:

Why aren’t other big potential blockbusters like Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom an option? Games like the new Zelda and Diablo 4 are among the possible Game of the Year contenders, but are so close to release that they have already achieved gold status and have already been tested by the USK. So Marek Brunner cannot have meant such titles.

Vote and tell us your choice in the comments. You are also welcome to write to us about other titles that we have not listed. Thank you for participating!

#USK #checking #GOTY

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