The US recognized Edmundo González’s victory in the elections in Venezuela

The US recognized Edmundo González’s victory in the elections in Venezuela
  • Antony Blinken, Secretary of State of the Biden Administration, affirmed that the victory of the opposition “is clear”

The United States government on Thursday, August 1, recognized opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia as the winner of Venezuela’s presidential elections, held on Sunday, July 28.

Antony Blincken, Secretary of State for the Biden Administration, published a statement evaluating the electoral process in Venezuela, where he stated that “it is clear” that Edmundo González obtained the majority of votes in the elections.

“The United States applauds the Venezuelan people for their participation in the July 28 presidential election despite significant challenges. At least 12 million Venezuelans peacefully went to the polls and exercised one of the most powerful rights granted to people in any democracy: the right to vote,” the statement reads. document published on the official US website.

In its statement, the Biden administration regretted that the National Electoral Council (CNE) announced Nicolás Maduro as the winner of the electoral contest without publishing the results of the counting of the electoral records.

The US also agreed with the Carter Center claims, an independent observer body, which stated that the announcements made by the Electoral Power lack credibility and transparency.

“The CNE has still not published the detailed data or any of the voting records, despite repeated calls from Venezuelans and the international community to do so. The official results at the constituency level have not been provided, and the irregularities committed throughout the process have undermined all credibility of the result announced by the CNE,” the letter states.

Photo: Jose Daniel Ramos

The US welcomed the publication of the minutes by the opposition

On the contrary, the US pointed out that the Venezuelan opposition published at least 80% of the voting records received directly from polling stations throughout Venezuela. These records indicate that Edmundo González Urrutia obtained more than 6 million votes.

The Biden administration assured that its country and other independent observers have already compared the data published on the website Venezuela 2024 presidential results.

The US recognized Edmundo González’s victory in the elections in Venezuela

In the days since the election, we have consulted extensively with partners and allies around the world, and while countries have taken different approaches to respond, none have concluded that Nicolás Maduro was the most likely vote-getter in this election,” the White House said.

In relation to the threats against the leader María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia, the United States described as an “anti-democratic attempt” to attack the security of the opposition leaders, as well as the hundreds of Venezuelans detained during the protests that have occurred since July 29.

“All Venezuelans detained while peacefully exercising their right to participate in the electoral process or to demand transparency in the tabulation and announcement of results must be released immediately. Law enforcement and security forces must not become an instrument of political violence used against citizens exercising their democratic rights,” the statement concluded.

Carter Center questions independence of possible TSJ expert opinion on election results
Photo: EFE

Peru also recognized Edmundo González as president-elect

The government of Peru was the first nation to recognize Edmundo González Urrutia as the winner of the presidential elections on Sunday, July 28, following announcements by Peruvian Foreign Minister Javier González-Olaechea on Tuesday, July 30.

“This position is shared by numerous countries, governments and international organizations,” the Peruvian foreign minister assured the state channel. TV Peru.

Asked how they view Maduro, he said that, “after the fraud committed” in Sunday’s elections, Peru considers him “as a person who wants to perpetuate himself in power through a dictatorship.”

The foreign minister explained that he sent a message to the telephone number of opposition leader María Corina Machado, in which he expressed his solidarity with her and with candidate González Urrutia.

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2024-08-02 07:24:02



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