The US military plans troops of several thousand robots to counter Chinese power

2023-09-03 16:01:07

Faced with the Chinese threat to Taiwan, the American army intends to soon acquire a massive army made up of tens of thousands of killer robots and autonomous drones.

For the US military, Russia remains an acute threat, but China poses a major military capability challenge. It is precisely in the face of the mass effect of the Chinese army that the United States considers it necessary to upgrade from now on. For this, the military is counting on raising a vast army of autonomous robots.

The project bears the name of Replicator. It consists of working with defense and technology manufacturers to produce large volumes of autonomous weapon systems at a contained price. They would be deployed in all branches of the military. Russia’s war in Ukraine has shown that the technology is ready and relevant in combat. Thus, dronedrones and rodent ammunition are widely used. Naval drones were also used to strike the Russian fleet in the Black Sea.

The era of war robots is approaching

As proof of the United States’ interest in these weapons systems, the United States Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks declared during a speech that, in 18 to 24 months, we would see arriving several thousand autonomous systems, in other words killer robots. With this armada, the United States counts on the psychological effect of such an army in order to dissuade China from attacking Taiwan. There still remains the ethical problem linked to the use of these totally autonomous killer robots animated by IAIAs.

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For the Deputy Secretary of Defense, these systems will always need the formal authorization of a human to engage their target and destroy it. The United States is not the only one to bet on this type of weapon. This is particularly the case of Turkey, Israel, Australia, or even Libya.

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