The US House of Representatives approves massive financial aid to Ukraine to enable it to “victory”

Posted in: 11/05/2022 – 11:16

The US House of Representatives on Tuesday approved a massive $40 billion aid to Ukraine, a move that comes following President Joe Biden warned that funds to help Kyiv confront the Russian invasion will likely run out within days.

The deputies approved by 368 votes to 57 this massive package of military, humanitarian and economic aid, the details of which were agreed upon by the two parties in advance. The Senate must follow the House’s lead and pass this text for President Joe Biden to sign into law. The Senate is expected to vote on the text by the end of this week or next week.

Hours before the text was passed, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “Through this aid program, America is sending a signal to the world of our steadfast determination to support the brave people of Ukraine to victory” over Russia.

The money will allow Ukraine to procure armored vehicles, strengthen its anti-aircraft defenses, and combat cyberattacks. Billions of dollars will be allocated from this assistance to ensure “the continuity of Ukraine’s democratic institutions”, as well as to secure significant humanitarian aid. President Biden has called weeks ago for a massive $33 billion aid budget to help Ukraine.

But congressional leaders of both parties agreed on Monday evening to give Ukraine $40 billion, equal to Cameroon’s GDP in 2020.

“The swift passage of this emergency funding is essential to help the Ukrainian people in their fight once morest evil Putin,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer stressed Tuesday.

Schumer also reminded his colleagues of the United States’ “moral” obligation to stand by our “friends in Ukraine.” These measures enjoy broad bipartisan support, which is unusual in a Congress largely accustomed to political disagreements. In a statement Monday, Biden urged Congress to vote “immediately” on this funding, at a time when the administration stresses that the approval of this huge financial package is urgent.

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