The US-France relationship… and the EastMed bridging factor

Dr. writes. Anna Konstantinidou*

And as diplomacy deals with a situation based on the facts that exist at a specific moment, we simply have to say that although history is not written with -ifs and ifs – the specific two Western powers had formed a front between them, from the moment “changing the world” and I mean after the end of World War II, when the institutions that lead the international system were formed in terms of the management of the Middle East and Africa, today the only thing that is certain is that neither Turkey, nor Russia, nor Iran would have a say in these environments, weakening the Western factor.

… A (France-US) relationship that went the wrong way in the 1950s, forcing the “Massaliotide State” to withdraw from the military arm of NATO … and only to rejoin so late, only in 2009, when the Treaty came into force at the same time which was supposed to renew the EU, that of Lisbon.

History is the compass to understand today’s events, why they are happening and how these events happening in our neighborhood and in front of our eyes could have been avoided.

What we see in front of us simply has as its root, as its foundation, the eternal competition of the two great powers of the West, the USA and France. Nothing else! Which returned – even without “pretending” – with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.

…De Gaulle and Eisenhower, two generals who ruled their countries at the same time. However, with an Eisenhower trying to balance too many impasses on the central diplomatic stage and of course with a Cold War at its zenith, he lost the ball with the eastern periphery and especially the Middle East and largely the USA which had political-diplomatic pillow for the Anglo-French in this area, for a long time they turned into a “dummy” of the British. Let’s not forget that Stalin’s death, instead of normalizing the relations between the two poles, on the contrary worsened them, as Khrushchev was much harder on the USA than his predecessor.

In 1958, de Gaulle, by putting on the NATO table the Memorandum of September 17, for the accession of the Middle East, North Africa and today’s Sahel to NATO, automatically “disappeared”… what Hellenism experienced in 1974 and what we are experiencing today.

I was reading an article from a Greek website that stitched together facts, stating that France is currently not a reliable power in the Middle East and Africa… And simply, those of us who have read and studied the specific geographical areas and the formations that make them up, can only disagree. Because, on the one hand, after the Rwandan civil war and due to the identical events in the former Yugoslavia, if the French State did not want to withdraw, maintaining for obvious reasons simply an essentially shadowy presence in the region (and we mean in the wider Sahel), it would not do so, on the other hand, despite the fact that the French were the main colonizers in many Middle Eastern states, nevertheless – again looking back at history – because they contributed to the unhooking of these areas from the Ottoman Empire and especially the Muslim tribes that the Sublime Gate had installed in these environments as administrators, such as the Mamelukes in Egypt, combined with the way in later times they treated and managed its colonial doctrine in relation to the British, France will always be that state that for the Arabs will have a special semiology.

And I come back to the Memorandum that de Gaulle put on the NATO table. Of course, because the British in the 1950s were the most hated colonialists and with an active revolutionary front in Cyprus and Egypt at the same time, they also influenced the American government to a great extent so that the specific French draft text would not be accepted, for the additional reason that the English feared the continuation of French rule in the region under a different – of course – regime.

But de Gaulle was understandably resentful of the American government and the particular issues of the Cold War created by its embrace with the British.

However, if de Gaulle and Eisenhower, France and America were true companions, the only thing certain is that today everything would be different. Can this substantial rapprochement and co-operation finally take place which is certain to alleviate the problems in the South-Eastern Mediterranean? It can be done, if EastMed comes back to the fore, which not only does not marginalize America, as European interests spread that the Americans stopped the project, but on the contrary, the project in question is – if we read its statutory structure – under the auspices of the French and of Americans.

It is in the hands of the French (when they get out of their own political deadlocks and especially when Macron reverts to the policy of the great statesman, de Gaulle in the management of foreign affairs) and the new US administration. And of course with a Benjamin Netanyahu, the mastermind of this venture in power (because let’s not forget when, among other things, the project was abandoned). Already, the Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris, has opened an online platform with the plan evangelized for the next day in the Middle East, aimed at strengthening the Abraham Accords … and with a Trump who, let’s not forget, these agreements were his his achievement.

EastMed is the bridging factor that will reset the relations of these two states, because of which for so many decades the Middle East has been on fire, but also Africa has been languishing due to civil wars.

*Anna Konstantinidou is a Historian-Internationalist, Doctor of Public Law and Political Science of the Faculty of Law of Athens, Scientific Associate of the University of Western Macedonia (Instituted Laboratory of Environmental Technology of the University of Western Macedonia), teaching at the Higher Interdisciplinary School of War (ADISPO) and the School of National Defense ( SETHA).

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#USFrance #relationship.. #EastMed #bridging #factor



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