The US criticized the role played by the CNE in the presidential elections

This Wednesday White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierrelaunched harsh criticism of the management he had of the National Electoral Council (CNE) during the presidential elections in Venezuela, stating that “It is very clear to the Venezuelan people, the US and a growing number of countries, that The CNE has not provided detailed votes and counted because they would show that Edmundo González Urrutia won the vote«.

The statements of the North American official were made during a press conference in which she was asked about the Report issued by observers who attended the elections on behalf of the United Nations (UN)a text that has generated controversy in the country, since it maintains that the authorities of the electoral body “They did not comply with basic transparency and integrity measures” during the meeting at the polls.

Yesterday, the UN panel of experts that was recently in Venezuela published its provisional results, and I encourage everyone to take a look at the online report when they have a moment.”, he stressed.

In the same way questioned the time in which the administration of Nicolás Maduro has not published the minutes of the scrutinyor, since he chose to seek the Supreme Court of Justice to endorse his results.

More than two weeks after the elections in Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro has still not clarified the results of the presidential elections of July 28”, accurate.

Jean-Pierre urged the Chavista leader to present a transparent balance of the will of the Venezuelan people expressed in their votes.

Maduro must recognize this and engage in a constructive, inclusive and good faith dialogue with the opposition. to restore democratic norms peacefully in accordance with Venezuelan electoral law and the wishes of the people“he concluded.

#criticized #role #played #CNE #presidential #elections
2024-08-24 20:30:10



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