2023-11-04 08:30:27
Chantal Mouffe considers that we live “a crucial moment, a turning point. I see similarities with the 1930s. With Covid, we feel that human beings have become aware of their vulnerability and are expressing a great need for protection. Two responses to this: one is progressive, the other is reactionary. In the 1930s, there was the reactionary response of fascism and Nazism, but also the New Deal (by Roosevelt, Editor’s note) in the United States, which was the progressive response.”
For her, the European Green Deal is on the neoliberal side in that it does not intend to radically change the model, unlike the Green New Deal proposed in particular by Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in the United States.
For her, the re-election of Emmanuel Macron in 2022 is proof that the answer “neoliberal”that’s to say “reactionary”won. “Macron considers that France has not perfectly accomplished its neoliberal revolution. And he is right, if we compare with the United Kingdom. He wants to go all the way. The repression of the Yellow Vests was incredible. We had never experienced this in France. The Covid crisis has allowed neoliberalism to remobilize.”
The only good news for the philosopher: “We have become aware of the need for a real ecological bifurcation. Not transition, but bifurcation. The fight is no longer between the deniers and the others since a large part of the establishment has understood.” It remains to create a collective will which, according to Chantal Mouffe, will only be possible by linking ecological and social demands.
The philosopher was the guest of the Unexpected Meetings of Tournai at the end of the summer alongside the art historian Nicolas Bourriaud. The meeting, moderated by Pascal Claude, is on the program of What world do we live in?this Saturday, November 4.
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