The unusual moment in which a man got his parachute entangled and managed to save himself for a second

Kevin Philipp filmed the moment he almost lost his life

Moments of terror were experienced last August 1st with a professional paragliderby name Kevin Philippwho in the middle of one of his maneuvers got entangled in his own parachute and began his dramatic descent almost in free fall, for which those present panicked because he could not break free and was getting closer to the ground.

Philipp He has more than 31 thousand followers on Instagram and describes himself as a professional in acrobatic paragliding, so while he was creating his usual content for his social networks, there was a moment when a gust of air took his parachute specialized and slammed it into his body.

This caused the glider to slowly entangle itself and override its stop function; however, the problem was that the ropes wrapped around his body and limited his ability to activate the emergency parachutea mandatory element in all types of style descents.

“Aeroparagliding trick in strong turbulence went wrong,” he described in networks. “The left rest line got stuck for a moment and then broke off completely. The glider shot forward and I was inside.”

Kevin Philipp, a paragliding athlete, got entangled in his parachute and was saved at the last second (Photo: Youtube/Kevin Philipp)

While descending in an almost tragic way, the American had to do his best to be able to find the emergency parachute and activate it, as it was difficult due to the turns he made in the air, the cables that got tangled in his arms and the instability that it generated. the tangled paraglider

This he was able to document it through his channel Youtubewhere he described how he lived the moment in which he was able to activate his last option to save his life, which he would have launched one second before impact in free fall, laterally at the last moment.

According to his description, the famous athlete mentioned that when he was trying to perform the trick, he got entangled with the fabric and the cables, causing the speed of his fall to increase dramatically. The critical moment was also the break line got stuckso for a few seconds he was unable to open the emergency bags.

“Drop speed increased a lot due to wing twisting, the last chance was to manually open the rescue pack. Estimated Time Remaining: About 1-2 seconds This was not the day to die! Thank you!!!”

The words of description of the video indicated the following in relation to the risks and needs of rescue devices:

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“In aerobatic paragliding we face a lot of trial and error when learning the tricks. With 2-3 rescue parachutes and a lot of height, we can safely train this type of sport. This occasion is quite unfortunate and rare.”, mentioned the paraglider, to later conclude with a message of encouragement: “Just to keep in mind. Fly high, land safe.”

In the comments of the video, they questioned why he had not been able to open the emergency parachute normally, to which he replied: “I’m still wondering and I hope to be able to do it soon (check the full video to find out why), but I’m pretty busy these days.”

The North American also explained that at the beginning even both bags had failed, which is why he reached for one of them and activate it manuallyas seen at the instant the video freezes, as this should have been easily enabled.


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