The unstoppable bumper car – El Universal

We are in the final stretch of 2024 and curiously the montachoques in the CDMX stronger than ever, now even in supermarkets, something unprecedented.

A year ago we published an opinion column on this subject in this same space. But today it seems that these criminal groups protected by mafias and corrupt authorities have been reborn as a black phoenix birdwhich could rather be called “the macabre turkey of death.”

As we have seen in recent incidents, now the bullfighters even have the nerve to follow their victims to their subdivisions to try to carry out their extortions. It is therefore worth recalling what we wrote in May of last year.

Who protects the bumper-pullers? Why do they have the nerve to operate in broad daylight in crowded avenues of surveillance camerasWho is behind them and the impunity with which they operate?

Today we titled our column like this because the topic seems to go beyond the authoritiesit will be a matter of time before the first citizen of the capital be killed by any of these micromafiaswho, knowing that they are sponsored by one or more mafia thugs who operate from the shadows, will not hesitate to shoot that victim or beat him to death.

We don’t know if it will be days, weeks or months, but since almost two years ago the bumper cars appeared on the map of the new types of extortionistswe are just anticipating the future… no way… we are pessimists in this space… but we also know that, in a lawless city, these gangs see citizens only as useful cattle to take the day’s profits and distribute them to those above.

We do not know if the first person to be killed by the rioters will be a man or a woman, we do not know if it will be a mother or a father, we do not know if at this moment he or she is living his or her last days of joy in this world because in the following days, weeks or months, he or she will be killed by a bullet, by a sharp weapon or by the fists of several people.

What we do know is that once he or she is dead, the officials who are currently in charge of public safety in the city, the officials who are in charge of the capital governmentthe officials to charge of surveillance through cameras installed throughout the city, the officials They have made a paltry number of arrests in each delegation, almost always with a revolving door exit in 72 hoursfinally, those same officials, after the first death, will come out of their lethargy due to the media pressure and they will make a moving announcement in which they will affirm that “what happened will be investigated to the last consequences”, that “no group of rioters will be tolerated any longer” and that “operations will be carried out in streets, avenues and road circuits, both in the city and in Edomex.”

We already said it… we don’t know if the first one murdered victim by montachoques it will be a mother or a father of a family, but if it is, we imagine our colleagues from the press covering his funeral, our fellow photographers taking photos of his widow or widower, together with his children full of tears. It will be a moment of indignation at a local and national level. And finally, after months and months of complaints and petitions, the authorities They will take action on the matter with the energy that the matter required from the beginning.

Just like the meme of the dog that sleeps in a bed and wakes up drowsily, our authorities will make a publicized montage… sorry, operation, with patrols deployed in the city… and finally those motorcycle policemen who do not miss a license plate number that is not circulating to extort, suddenly the cataracts will disappear from their eyes and they will magically locate their partners on the streets… sorry, these criminals.

Yes… that woman or man who will be murdered, we don’t know if in broad daylight on some busy avenue or on some fast road like the northern ring road, will be the martyr who finally puts the spotlight on the issue. And once again, the questions will come to light: who protects the rioters? How have they been able to operate for almost two years in total impunity? Why are they invisible to the surveillance cameras of the expensive network deployed throughout the city with the payment of our taxes?

Yes… many questions will come to light… and we are not mediums, nor are we oracles… but, knowing the idiocy of our capital criminalstheir complexes that lead to reactive violence, their need to show power before the citizen what is done with them through words, their bragging about feeling protected by a corrupt system… for all this, we anticipate many prayers for the man or woman who will soon be killed by the bulldozers… we hope we are wrong… truly, dear readers… we hope we are wrong.

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