The “unseen” trip of Mr. Chrysostomou to Imbro

The “unseen” trip of Mr. Chrysostomou to Imbro

The Most Reverend Metropolitan of Patras, Mr. Chrysostomos, has the gift of not boasting and not promoting himself. Others would have given… recitals of self-promotion if they were at the side of the Ecumenical Patriarch Mr. Bartholomew on the days of the fifteenth of August.

On the days of the Dormition of the Virgin and for almost a week, like several other times in the past, His Holiness was in his special homeland, the long-suffering island of Imvrou. The Metropolitan of Patras Mr. Chrysostomos, who maintains excellent relations with the Patriarch and was his guest, was also present there, however his presence also went unnoticed.

Only if someone was suspicious would they distinguish Mr. Chrysostomos in television footage, where on the contrary it was obvious, for example, the presence of the parliamentarian of Larisa of the ND and general secretary of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy (DSO) Maximos Harakopoulos, who addressed the Patriarch in the church of Panagia, in Agridia.

Mr. Chrysostomos experienced his stay in Imbro with emotion and had the opportunity to pray together with Mr. Bartholomeus, but also to engage in spiritual discussions, far from any worldly expediency.

It is obvious that there was no need for the Metropolitan of Patras to go to Imbros for… pre-election reasons. Of course, it is a given that he is urged by a multitude of Hierarchs to claim the Archbishop’s throne, but the trip to Imbro was about fulfilling a debt towards Mr. Bartholomew, due to the eternal, sincere and mutual love relationship and beyond that nothing…

#unseen #trip #Chrysostomou #Imbro



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