The Unraveling of Authoritarian Regimes: A Journey to Freedom

The Unraveling of Authoritarian Regimes: A Journey to Freedom
  • The Pope reiterated his call for people to do everything possible to find “a path to peace” in the country | Photo: EFE / Archive

The Pope invited people to “dialogue” and “make peace” in Venezuela on Friday, September 13, adding that “dictatorships are useless and sooner or later they end badly,” when asked about what message he would give to that country in the current situation, after the elections, during a press conference on the plane returning from his tour of Asia and Oceania.

In any case, Francis was cautious in his response, saying that he had not been following the situation in recent days.

“The message I give to the rulers is to dialogue and make peace,” he replied, before adding: “Dictatorships are useless and end badly sooner or later.”

He also reiterated his call for “people to do everything to find a path to peace in Venezuela.”

I cannot give a political opinion because I do not know the details, but I know that the bishops have spoken and their message is the one that counts,” he added.

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Photo: EFE/ Angelo Carconi / Archive

Bishops urged to show the minutes

Venezuelan bishops have repeatedly asked President Nicolás Maduro to show the electoral records because “ignoring popular sovereignty expressed through voting is morally unacceptable, as it seriously deviates from truth and justice.”

While the Pope was in Asia, Venezuelan opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, arrived in Spain political asylum after a court issued an arrest warrant against him following the release of electoral records proving his victory in the presidential elections of July 28.

As a result of the publication of these results and the allegation of fraud, González was accused of the “alleged commission” of “usurpation of functions” and “forgery of public documents,” among other crimes, for which he was summoned on three occasions by the Prosecutor’s Office.

When he did not show up, a court issued an arrest warrant against the opposition figure, who was held in custody until September 5 at the Dutch Embassy. He was later transferred to the Spanish Embassy, ​​where he remained until September 7, when he left Venezuela.

“I have made this decision thinking about Venezuela and that our destiny as a country cannot, should not, be one of conflict and pain and suffering. I have made this decision thinking about my family and all Venezuelan families at this time of so much tension and anguish,” González wrote in a statement published on his X account when he was already in Spain.

With information from EFE

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#Dictatorships #badly
2024-09-14 09:48:53

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