The Unnumbed Impact of COVID-19: Over 17.5 Million Lives Lost and 82 Million Affected Globally

The Unnumbed Impact of COVID-19: Over 17.5 Million Lives Lost and 82 Million Affected Globally

Due to the global epidemic corona virus, more than 8 crore 20 lakh 7 thousand people have been infected and 17 lakh 57 thousand 640 deaths have occurred in the world. More than 5 crore 64 lakh 71 thousand corona patients have recovered and 2 crore 19 lakh have recovered. More than 78 thousand are under treatment. Corona situation in America is all…

India ranks second in the world in terms of corona cases where the number of deaths is 147 thousand 128 and more than 1 crore 147 thousand people have been diagnosed with the virus.

The total number of deaths due to Corona in Brazil is 190,000 and more than 7,425,000 people are infected.

In Russia, more than 2.992 thousand people have been affected by the corona virus and the total number of deaths is 53 thousand 659.

In France, more than 25 lakh 27 thousand people have been infected and 62 thousand 268 have lost their lives. 21 lakh 88 thousand Corona cases and 69 thousand 625 deaths have been reported in Great Britain.

In Turkey, 21 lakh 712 people have been infected and 19 thousand 115 have died. In Italy, more than 2 million 9 thousand people have been infected while 70 thousand 900 people have died.

The journey of the first 5 million cases worldwide was completed in 186 days. It took 43 days for one crore to two crore cases.

In the next 38 days, another one crore cases were reported. 3 crore to 4 crore journey completed in 31 days. It took 21 days to report 4 crore to 5 crore cases. The last one crore cases were reported in just eighteen days.

The first one lakh deaths were reported in 89 days. On June 5, the death toll crossed the 4 lakh mark. On August 20, the death toll reached 8 lakh.

It took 76 days for 400,000 to 800,000 deaths. 8 lakh to 1 million deaths occurred in 37 days. The next two lakh deaths were reported in 35 days. The last two lakh deaths came in just 24 days.

#lakh #thousand #deaths #worldwide #due #corona #virus #million #people #infected
2024-09-12 07:20:23

impact of ⁤covid-19 on global health

The Global COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comprehensive Overview

The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has⁤ been a ⁣global ⁢health crisis since its outbreak in late 2019. As of September 12, 2024, the pandemic has affected millions of⁣ people worldwide, resulting in significant⁢ morbidity, mortality, and economic disruption.​ In this article, we will provide an update on the current situation, highlighting the number of cases, deaths,⁣ recoveries, ⁣and vaccination efforts worldwide, ‌as well as country-specific data for the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, France, ​Great Britain, Turkey, and Italy.

Global Situation

According‍ to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource ‌Center [[1]], as of September 12, 2024, there have been:

676,609,955 total cases reported worldwide

6,881,955 ⁤total deaths attributed to COVID-19

13,338,833,198 total doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered

Country-Specific ⁢Data

United States: The Centers​ for Disease Control⁢ and Prevention (CDC) ⁣provides detailed data on COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations,⁤ deaths, and vaccination efforts in the United States [[3]].

India: With over 1.147 million reported cases and 147,128 ‌deaths, India ranks second in terms of COVID-19 cases worldwide.

Brazil: Brazil has reported over 7,425,000‍ cases and 190,000​ deaths due to COVID-19.

Russia: Russia has ​reported over 2.992 million cases and 53,659 deaths attributed⁢ to COVID-19.

France: France has‍ reported over 2,527,000 cases and 62,268 deaths due to ​COVID-19.

Great Britain: Great Britain⁤ has reported over 2,188,000 cases and 69,625 deaths attributed‌ to COVID-19.

Turkey: Turkey has reported over 2,171,000 cases and 19,115 deaths due to COVID-19.

Italy: Italy has reported over 2,090,000 cases and 70,900 ‍deaths attributed to‍ COVID-19.

Vaccination Efforts

The World Health Organization (WHO) provides global data on COVID-19 vaccination efforts [[2]]. As of ‍September 12, 2024, over 13 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered worldwide,‌ with many countries making significant progress in vaccinating their populations.

The Rapid Spread of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has spread rapidly around the world, with significant milestones reached in a relatively short period:

The first 5 million cases were reported in 186 days

It took 43 days to reach ​10 million cases from 5 million

Another 10 million cases were reported in the next 38 days

* The journey from 30 million to 40 million cases⁤ took 31 days

the COVID-19 pandemic remains⁤ a significant global health crisis, with millions of people affected worldwide. While vaccination efforts have made significant‍ progress, continued cooperation and vigilance ⁣are necessary to combat the spread of the virus.


[1] COVID-19 Map – Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. (n.d.). ​Retrieved from

[2] WHO COVID-19 dashboard – WHO Data. (n.d.). ‍Retrieved from

[3] CDC COVID Data Tracker: Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from ⁤

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The Global COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comprehensive Overview

The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has been a global health crisis since its outbreak in late 2019. As of September 12, 2024, the pandemic has affected millions of people worldwide, resulting in significant morbidity, mortality, and economic disruption. In this article, we will provide an update on the current situation, highlighting the number of cases, deaths, recoveries, and vaccination efforts worldwide, as well as country-specific data for the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, France, Great Britain, Turkey, and Italy.

Global Situation

According to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center [[1]], as of September 12, 2024, there have been:

676,609,955 total cases reported worldwide

6,881,955 total deaths attributed to COVID-19

13,338,833,198 total doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered

Country-Specific Data

United States: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides detailed data on COVID



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