The University of Balamand celebrated the graduation of 1,369 students

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The University of Balamand held a graduation ceremony for its students for the academic year 2021-2022 at the university’s campus in Koura under the patronage and presence of Patriarch John X Yazigi, Patriarch of Antioch and all the East for the Greek Orthodox and University President Dr. Elias Warraq, in addition to political, religious, social, educational, security and military figures. and a large number of students’ families and relatives. The number of graduates reached 1,369 graduates from various disciplines and colleges from all university branches, from the main campus in Koura to Akkar, Souk El Gharb and Dekwaneh

After the national anthem, the host of the celebration, Dr. Marilyn Kanaan, welcomed the attendees, inviting the owner of Patriarch John X to recite the supplication.

The student, Sally Mansour, from the College of Public Health and Sciences gave a speech for the graduates.

وقال رئيس الجامعة الدكتور الياس وراق: “فِي السِنين المَاضية تَوجَّهتُ إِلى البَلَمنديِّين والبَلَمندِيَّات الذِّين سَبَقوكم مِن عَلى هَذا المِنبَر، بِوصَايا أَبويَّة، وكُنتُ أَحُثُّهم أَلا يَيأَسوا ولا يَتخاذَلوا. أمَّا اليَوم فَأقولُ لَكُم إِنَّكُم أَنتُم حُماةُ المُستقبَل، وَأنتُم حَامِلو المَسؤولية، وأَنتُم حُلُم الوَطَنِ وأَمَلِهِ” .

اضاف: “نَعم في هَذَا الزَمنِ الصَعبِ، وَفي هَذِهِ الأَيَّامِ العَصِيبَةِ، تَجِدون أَلفَ سَببٍ وَسَبَب لِتهجُروا بَلَدَكُم، وَتُهاجِروا مِن دُونِ تَردُدٍ أَو نَدَم. فِي خِضَّمِ هَذِهِ الأَزمَاتِ المُتكرِّرة تَختَفي كَلِماتُ الأَمَل، وَتَنْضُبُ تَعابِيرُ التَفاؤُل”.

The speech of the orator of the celebration was delivered by Dr. Essam Awad.

The certificates were distributed, and the deans of the faculties presented the certificates to the students in the following order: St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Engineering, Issam Fares College of Technology, the Faculty of Public Health and its Sciences, and the Medical Faculty , College of Medicine and Medical Sciences.

After completing the distribution of certificates, the university president officially awarded the certificate to the graduates.



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