The United States said that the TSJ ruling lacks “credibility”

  • The US State Department believes that the independently verified records give Edmundo González the victory

Vedant Patel, deputy spokesman for the State Department, said on Friday, August 23, that the ruling by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) which gives Nicolás Maduro’s victory in the presidential elections of July 28, lacks “credibility.”

“The assessment made yesterday by the Supreme Court of Justice, controlled by Maduro, on the Venezuelan electoral results has no credibility,” said Patel.

Photo: Screenshot

The official stressed that the records “publicly available and independently verified show that Venezuelan voters elected Edmundo González.”

According to the EFE news agency, the State Department also called for “respect for the will of the Venezuelan people.”

The US institution suggested that the Venezuelan parties “begin to talk about a peaceful transition” in “respect of the wishes of the Venezuelan people.”

Following the TSJ ruling, several international spokespersons have called for the publication of the electoral records that validate Nicolás Maduro’s victory in the presidential elections.

Countries and international organizations that have not recognized the TSJ ruling

Reactions following the ruling by the Electoral Chamber of the TSJ that certified the results announced by the CNE
Photo: EFE

The governments of Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, the United States, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay “categorically” rejected, in a statement, the decision of the TSJ that validated the results of the July 28 elections, issued by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

“The undersigned countries reiterate that only an impartial and independent audit of the votes, which evaluates all the minutes, will guarantee respect for the sovereign popular will and democracy in Venezuela,” said part of the statement published on August 23 on their X accounts.

For its part, the Spanish government announced on August 23 that it will not recognize the results of the Venezuelan presidential elections until the electoral records of the July 28 vote are published in a “complete and verifiable” manner.

“Until this happens, we will not be able to recognize the result of the elections,” stressed the Foreign Ministry, after the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela on Thursday ratified the results of the July 28 elections that officially gave victory to Nicolás Maduro, although the opposition, which published the minutes on the Internet, claims that its candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, was the winner by a wide margin,” said sources close to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, indicated on August 23 that the EU will not recognize Nicolás Maduro as president of Venezuela until the electoral records are delivered and can be verified.

For his part, the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, demanded that Venezuela “total transparency” at the presentation of the results of the presidential elections and recalled that the National Electoral Council (CNE) has not yet published the minutes of the different polling stations.

Prior to the TSJ’s statements, the UN Fact-Finding Mission for Venezuela, dedicated to investigating human rights in the country, had denounced “the lack of impartiality” and independence of that body and the CNE.

The agency said both institutions have played a role “within the repressive machinery of the State.”

On the TSJ ruling in favor of Nicolás Maduro

Maduro filed an appeal before the Electoral Chamber of the TSJ: the details
Photo: EFE

On August 22, the TSJ determined that the voting records coincide with the information obtained from the electoral machines and support the victory of Nicolás Maduro.

“The electoral material examined is certified in an unobjectionable manner and this chamber validates the election results announced by the CNE that declared Nicolás Maduro as the re-elected president,” said the president of the TSJ and the Electoral Chamber, Caryslia Beatriz Rodríguez.

The judge also stated that it was decided that all electoral material submitted by the CNE and political parties will remain in the custody of the Electoral Chamber of the TSJ. The measure was taken after determining, according to her statements, that there was indeed a cyber attack on the electoral system.

Rodríguez also said that certified copies of the decision were sent “urgently” to the Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, so that they can be incorporated into the criminal investigations that the institution is carrying out for the “usurpation of functions” of the opposition website.

“The criminal investigations being carried out by this institution (…) are to determine the responsibilities of the case in light of the anxiety caused in the population by the alleged commission of the crimes of usurpation of functions, forgery of public documents, instigation to disobedience, criminal association and conspiracy,” he explained.

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#United #States #TSJ #ruling #lacks #credibility
2024-08-24 02:31:21



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